Saturday, June 9, 2018

Everyone's Focus At The G-7 Was On President Trump

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel stands over President Trump as they negotiate at the G7 summit in a photograph she later posted on Instagram

WNU Editor: I do not even know where to begin in deciphering the above picture. For more pictures at the G-7, the Daily Mail has a great photo-gallery at this post .... Trump argues for a 'tariff free' trade zone between G7 nations then dismisses claims of tensions between him and fellow leaders, hailing the summit an 'immense success' (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

Look at Japanese PM Abe. He has the same body language and facial expression as President Trump. For what it’s worth.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

One way to start would be:
1) The origination stamp at the lower left.
2) Not one person has their ear piece in their ears.
3) All ear pieces shown are on the table opposite of Trump.
4) The paper on the table that the man on the left is staring at, has a
blank page facing him and the entire paper is facing (with signatures
at bottom) Trump.
5) Trump's expression seems to be of amusement (but that is a judgement

Anonymous said...

A PS. for what it's worth:
Blue seems to be popular color for male and female attire. I would point
to the other items on the table, especially what seems to be a cue card in front of Trump and other papers just below Merkel one of which seems to have a hand written addition which seems to be highlighted in the color yellow. The rest I leave to your readers.