Sunday, June 10, 2018

Four U.S. Army Stryker Armored Vehicles Collided Into Each Other In Lithuania

Business Insider: The US Army is taking part in a massive exercise to practice moving around Europe, and 4 of its Strykers ran into each other in Lithuania

* Four US Army Stryker armored vehicles collided during a road march in Lithuania on Thursday morning.
* The accident came during Exercise Saber Strike 18, a massive exercise aimed at increasing readiness and interoperability.
* The US and NATO have put special emphasis on increasing their ability to move around Europe to respond to a potential conflict.

Units from US Army Europe are joining some 18,000 personnel from 18 other countries for Exercise Saber Strike 18, the eighth iteration of the exercise, taking place across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in order to increase readiness and enhance interoperability between NATO allies and partner forces.

The exercise began on June 3 and runs through June 15, and one of the US units involved has already encountered a setback.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: An accident involving one Army Stryker I can understand. If two are involved I have questions. But four?!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Same reason USA ships collide with multiple invisible giant ships and planes keep falling out of the sky? Likely training issues, exhaustion, inatention, and or poor leadership.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean we don't get SPACE FORCE? I was really lookin' forward to being a SPACE MARINE.

Anonymous said...

No sorry. First need to show proficiency driving on rural roads.

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Bob Huntley said...

"The US Army is taking part in a massive exercise to practice moving around Europe, and 4 of its Strykers ran into each other in Lithuania" Well obviously they still need practice.