Thursday, June 14, 2018

German Chancellor Merkel Facing A Rebellion Within Her Coalition Over Her Stance On Migrant Asylums

Daily Mail: Is Merkel's open door migrant policy about to cost her her job? German leader desperately attempts to hold party together after rebellion by her interior minister

* Angela Merkel is at loggerheads with Horst Seehofer, leader of the CSU which is the Bavarian sister party of her own CDU and a crucial parliamentary ally
* Seehofer wants to take a tougher line on asylum seekers coming to Germany
* But Merkel is resisting, fearing upsetting southern European countries
* One CSU lawmaker even suggested the party could end its alliance with the CDU

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced a tense showdown Thursday within her divided conservative camp over the flashpoint issue of immigration that could threaten her political future.

Merkel was confronted with an open rebellion by her hardline Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, long a fierce critic of her liberal stance on refugees who wants to toughen border controls.

After late-night talks between them failed to resolve the dispute, a parliamentary session Thursday was suspended to allow the rival camps - Merkel's CDU and its traditional sister party from Bavaria, Seehofer's CSU - to huddle for strategy talks

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WNU Editor: If her coalition collapses .... there will be an election, and in this election .... I predict that Angela Merkel will be defeated.That is why I believe there will be a compromise .... because she knows that she will be defeated.

More News On Germany's Current Political Crisis

Germany migrant row threatens Merkel coalition -- BBC
Merkel, allies heading for showdown over immigration policy -- FOX News/AP
Merkel under pressure in escalating row over immigration -- AFP
Bavarian conservative CSU defies Angela Merkel on migration policy -- DW
Bavarians confront Merkel in German migrant policy showdown -- Reuters
Merkel Courts Government Crisis in Refugee Clash With Allies -- Bloomberg
Asylum row could bring down Angela Merkel's government -- Jens Thurau, DW
Civil war breaks out on Germany's centre-right -- The Economist


Anonymous said...

But, but the picture of her leading the free world against Trump at the G7...I thought it meant something.

B.Poster said...

She's ideologically blind. I think she lead herself and ner party over the proverbial cliff.

I once called her country an "evil entity" on tnis website. At the time, such an assertion was unwarranted. It was called to my attention. I acknowledged this and apologized. Given how Gernany is acting now, I may need to take back tnis apology.

Anonymous said...

Will the G6 resisting the USA still be in power when Sept rolls around? PM May and Merkel are hanging on by their eye lashes and could be gone any day.
Macron and Trudeau have no popular support.

Yet the media claims its Trump on the ropes.

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