Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Is This The New Face Of The Democrat Party And The Direction That The U.S. Is Heading?

CNN: A 28-year-old Democratic Socialist just ousted a powerful, 10-term congressman in New York

(CNN)Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old Latina running her first campaign, ousted 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York's 14th congressional district on Tuesday, CNN projects, in the most shocking upset of a rollicking political season.

An activist and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Ocasio-Cortez won over voters in the minority-majority district with a ruthlessly efficient grassroots bid, even as Crowley -- the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House -- outraised her by a 10-to-1 margin.

This was the first time in 14 years a member of his own party has attempted to unseat Crowley, who chairs the Queens County Democrats. His defeat marks a potential sea change in the broader sphere of liberal politics -- a result with implications for Democrats nationwide that would recall, as optimistic progressives routinely noted during the campaign, former GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor's loss to the insurgent, tea party-backed Dave Brat in June 2014.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: In the past year Democrats have been successful in winning state and congressional elections by offering moderate candidates to face their Republican challengers. I always felt that this was going to last only for the short term. Progressives/socialists/etc. in the Democrat want change, and electing "moderate" Democrats is not what they want. What they want are candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez .... and she did win big yesterday. But is she representative on who and what America is? Maybe for certain parts .... but definitely this is not what main stream America wants or supports. But for the Democrat Party there is a civil war underway right now for the heart and soul of the Party, and my prediction is that it will be progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who will end up on top and running the party within 10 years.

Update: The usual media outlets are all going ga-ga over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's win. She is clearly their favorite for now.

Update #2: Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the millennial, socialist political novice who beat her establishment Democrat rival in a huge electoral upset (Business Insider)

Update #3: On the flip side, Republicans in Utah have chosen to go with this candidate of the past .... Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination in Utah’s U.S. Senate race (Salt Lake City Tribune)


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! A black person, and scary looking, too.

You are earning your paycheck WNU editor. This manufactured phony outrage is sure get the rubes all sorts of riled up!

Anonymous said...

1.She is Latina not "a black person"
2. not scary looking
3. rubes=all but you?
4. make fun of editor? ok. Why do you visit the site?

Anonymous said...

Sure thing, rube.

Anonymous said...

Maxine Waters....That You??

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but you need to get glasses. She is obviously Latino. No more black than Trump himself.

Anonymous said...

A rube is always right.

RussInSoCal said...

‘72 all over again. Led by the same socialist nutters.

Here’s her communist platform. Note there is nothing on there about gun control. Oversight or intent in armed revolution? Either way she’s being called a Sandersnista, which is perfect.

Matthew Putnam said...


You cant argue with stupid. Don't feed the trolls.



War News Updates Editor said...

I have always found that those who are obsessed with racial issues are the most intolerant and bigoted people that I have met. This blog unfortunately attracts these racists at times.

Anonymous said...

I looked at one site you posted and that is hardly communist or, if you think it is, then you best read up on what communist govt is really like

that is more or less what many if not most of the happier, well run democracies in many advanced nations offer...
now contrast that with our failing infrastructure, diaster of health care, and education bubble forcing young students into long term debt
or, simply put: why is our nation falling consistently in life longevity and becoming a nation losing its middle class and driving up our national debt to a level not seen since WWII

Matthew Putnam said...

Agreed WNU editor!

People that constantly deal in intersectionality, virtue signaling, aggressive/enforced group think, histrionics etc. (mostly Western Leftists/Communists) are unequivocally the biggest racist/classist/intolerant people that I have ever met. Its actually an intrinsic quality at this point.

RussInSoCal said...

@ anon,


