Thursday, June 14, 2018

North Korea State Media Airs An Incredible Video From The Trump-Kim Summit

CNN: North Korea state media airs unseen video from Trump-Kim summit

(CNN)Images of hundreds of North Koreans jubilantly clapping and waving flags as Kim Jong Un landed in Pyongyang Wednesday have been broadcast across the reclusive country as part of a lengthy state media documentary about his historic summit with US President Donald Trump.

The 42-minute long video aired Thursday revealed behind-the-scenes footage of Kim's unprecedented trip, including of him arriving in Singapore on a Chinese plane and lounging in his luxury hotel.

It was likely some North Koreans' first glimpse of the world outside their tightly restricted borders, including possibly jaw-dropping images of the glittering Singapore skyline.

In contrast to the usually dour programming on the official KCTV news channel, the footage of Kim strolling by swimmers on the Marina Bay Sands rooftop pool or the lush indoor gardens of Sentosa Island would likely be an unusual sight for North Korean viewers.

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WNU Editor: I can tell you what the North Korean population is seeing in this 42 minute clip (see video on top). They are seeing the buildings, what people are wearing, the cars, how well fed people are, how beautiful the city of Singapore is, everyone having a cell phone, etc. etc. etc.. To put it bluntly .... the censors and Kim Jung-un's office made the decision to tell North Korean state media to show a video to the people of North Korea on what life is like outside of North Korea .... and they did it because they wanted to send the message that this type of future is now possible if everyone follows Kim Jung-un. The parts of the video that show President Trump are also quite a sight to see. There is no negative coverage of him at all .... it portrays President Trump in a positive light that I am sure that North Koreans have never seen .... or expected. He (President Trump) is playing the father figure to Kim Jong-un .... and for Asians of all stripes this is a very powerful image. In concluding .... I cannot explain adequately in words on how much this video will have on a population that is not use to this type of coverage. There will be an impact on the social/cultural/and eventually the political state in North Korea .... and probably sooner rather than later. Kim Jung-un has made the decision to raise the expectations of the people of North Korea that he will try his best to give them a better life that will match what is in Singapore. He better deliver .... because now he cannot go back.


Anonymous said...

Fascinating just doesn't describe witnessing the first ever meeting of a Kim and a US President. This is a major moment in history and the western press is blowing it.
Obsession with damaging Trump prevents them from the awesome history taking place. Somebody got to Kim in a big way since he's betting the family farm on a risky reform path. Who?

Mike Feldhake said...

WNU Editor; your analysis is spot on and yes the Nass Media is blowing it. Wow!

Anonymous said...

One obvious answer to Kim and his sister's behavior is they've never been in this type of situation before. Everything, everything they do back is tightly planned and controlled by them. In this case no.

Anonymous said...

I should have inserted home just after back.
Ps. Other reasons possible are they have to answer to someone or to a group that we are not publicly aware of at the moment. A misstep by them has much more dire consequences than to say Trump. They are also young and on the world stage for the first time (regardless of trips to China etc), it would be unusual if they weren't nervous.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Of course no one will be more shocked than me if I'm right.

B.Poster said...

This is amazing!! If Trump or someone like him could stay in power forever, there'd be a pretty near 100% possibility of getting this done. Unfortunately this isn't the case. Never underestimate the power of the American government to do stupid. Exsmples of such are numerous.

Trump's policy are predicated on a simple reality. America MUST have peace. Once this is understood, his policies make are easily understood. It does seem clear it'd be hard for Kim to go back at this point.

Is there something else at work? POTUS is facing a witch hunt of unprecedented proportions back home and the PM of the country Americans admire most chose to try and humiliate him on the eve of these negotiations and to ultimately undermine them. THANK GOD he failed. America NEEDS for this to succeed. We MUST have peace.

Should the witch hunt actually suceed in inventing something NK and their allies may decide to walk. People should approach things very carefully and soberly. For example, suspending military drills during this time period is experential common sense. It's sort of like "chew with your mouth closed." Adults do not have to be told such things. This is already known. Anyone who doesn't understand such basics is unworthy of basic adult privileges as they obviously can't handle the responsibilities associated with adulthood,

B.Poster said...


I watched 18 minutes of this video. I looked at the time left of 42 minutes and decided ENOUGH!! The video is in Norh Korean or some language I can't understand. For all I know they could be changing "death to America" over and over again. Being so hated and misunderstood we Americans are EXTREMELY paranoid.

With that said there seem to be favorable reactions with "westerners" even Americans during the video. I can tell by the clothing and body language. Even with poor eyesight it's obvious. As such, tney aren't chanting "death to America" of this we can be beyond reasonably certain.

North Korea can't go back unless America is to stupid to capilize on the current situation. America may never have such an opportunity ever again. I pray our leaders are smart enough to get this done NOW.

As for POTUS, I think he is. After all what he's done to date is predicated on tbe reality that America MUST have peace. As for who could replace him, that is a frightening possibility. Certain American adversaries and potential adversaries know this and will react accordingly.

Should we elect an unstable pwrson like HRC enemies will act accordingly. We should think carefully. Perhaps we need to go to war. If so, being led by such mentally unbalanced people would seem unwise.

I think there's an 85% probability we are going to get this right and achieve peace. Of course doing something stupid like mot postponing military drills during this time could destroy this careful diplomatic effort. Oh wait!! A careful diplomatic effort with regards to Russia was destroyed for strictly petty political reasons. As such, we can conclude certain people are capable of just about anything, American lives and prosperity be damned!!

jimbrown said...

i wonder if we helped create it.