Tuesday, June 19, 2018

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Is In China For His Third Trip To The Country In 3 Months

ABC News Online: North Korea's Kim Jong-un makes state visit to China, his third in recent months

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has landed in Beijing, in his first visit to China since his historic meeting with US President Donald Trump.

In a rare move, China's Government confirmed Mr Kim's two-day visit shortly after he touched down.

Previously Beijing has waited for him to leave the country before confirming his visits.

Security was tight at the Beijing airport where paramilitary police prevented journalists from shooting photos. A motorcade including sedans, minibuses, motorcycles and a stretch limo with a golden emblem was seen leaving the airport. The vehicles did not appear to be carrying flags.

Roads near the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, where senior Chinese officials meet with visiting leaders, were being closed and a motorcade with motorcycle escorts was seen heading into the compound.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I find it more revealing that Chinese President Xi has yet to visit North Korea .... but North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has made the trek to see him 3 times. Take it from me .... this type of protocol is being done for a reason.

More News On North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Visiting China For The Third Time In 3 Months

Kim Jong-un visits China after Trump summit -- BBC
North Korea's Kim visits Beijing; South Korea, U.S. halt military drill -- Reuters
Kim Jong Un visiting China, expected to discuss his nukes -- AP
Kim Jong Un visits China to meet Xi Jinping, complicating things for Trump -- Washington Post
Kim Jong-un arrives in Beijing for third visit this year a week after summit with Trump -- The Independent
Kim Jong Un makes third surprise visit to China in less than 3 months -- ABC News
Kim Jong Un visits Beijing after Trump summit -- Financial Times
China says N Korean leader Kim Jong Un visiting Beijing -- Japan Today
North Korea's Kim Jong-un in China for two-day visit -- Al Jazeera
Kim Jong Un visits China for the third time, showing ties with Beijing are stronger than ever -- Business Insider


Andrew Jackson said...

Because he's the boss!

Anonymous said...

He's giving him money and will ask for favors. Those favors will of course be in conflict with what the US wants. Ultimately China will cause the second Korean war there and Kim will die if he is stupid enough to fall for the China talkytalk and crosses Trump.

fred said...

because you know first hand, right anon?

Anonymous said...

President Trump recently made a passing reference to China's participation in NK sanctions, particularly he may have been referring to a bridge connecting the two that China decided to do maintenance on. Trump alluded to the notion that maybe China was leaking more trade to NK than before.

US now has less leverage with China if China decides to reduce the pressure on Kim. Kim could have more leverage in his deal making with the US. Lastly it puts China back in the conversation and removes the discomfort it felt regarding Singapore, where it was not at the table.

Anonymous said...

True. China does not want to lose its influence over north Korea and absolutely does not want north korea to be pro -Western. That's worth a lot to them. So they will make Kim substantial offers - some involve billions of dollars every year,trade and security guarantees in case of invasion by the US if peace talks are stopping due to sanction violations etc.

Kim has to truly make a decision... go for the tempting Chinese offer (hey you can keep the concentration camps the nukes and get money and protection) and see what Trump will do about it, or trust Trump and alienate China. It's a choice of which model Kim wants to live in. He currently lives and rules a system that's more like China really. ..but since he was a boy he wanted to live in America. My guess is he'll want to go for the US model.

What I don't know is what China is willing to do to stop it. A lot of course as they cannot have another pro-US neighbour at its border.

My guess is china is looking to poison him so he dies in a few weeks or months and can be replaced with a pro china ruler, perhaps his sister.