Thursday, June 28, 2018

Poll: 72% Of Americans Think Media Intentionally Reports Fake News

Axios: 92% of Republicans think media intentionally reports fake news

Nearly all Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (92%) say that traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes, according to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll. Democrats and non-leaning independents also feel this way, but not nearly to the same extent.

Why it matters: The data shows that trust in the media is heavily influenced by partisan politics, with Republicans more skeptical of mainstream media than their Democratic and Independent counterparts. Other studies from Gallup and Pew Research Center have drawn similar conclusions.

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WNU Editor: The surprising thing about this poll is that it is from Axios .... a friend of the main stream media. As to what is my take on the results that 92% of Republicans, 79% of Independents, and 53% of Democrats believing that traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes .... I just thought the numbers would be higher for the Democrats.


Anonymous said...

It's not the misinformation per say, but the missed information that drives me up the wall.

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Anon. It is not what they report on, it is what they decide to not report on that makes me scratch my head,

fred said...

1. mostly GOP supporters think the MSM lies
2. those GOP supporters reading this site read mostly links supplied by MSM
3. It then follows that GOP supporters read fake news here but make comments about what they have just read
4. Go figure

Mike Feldhake said...

Fred, I would fall into your category but this is not true. Like I have told my kids, read and obtain information from different sources than verify the information before making decisions. Then, and only then will you see the truth.

fred said...

I have no issue with your program. My scorn is for those who comment here all too often that the MSM is all fake news...yet read the MSM nonetheless.

fred said...

If you believe the media not doing its job properly
1. write to them and complain
2. get a job with MSM and do what you believe needs doing
3. buy your own paper
4. refuse to read the MSM

Matthew Putnam said...

The MSM and social media is close to 90% left leaning and has a massive confirmation bias that frames arguments with salient topics very specific ways that is not objective in both intention and result, and thusly turns out misleading. Its not fake, just misleading. Using news aggregates and reading material from both extremes is the only you will get anywhere at all.

fred said...

please supply evidence for those claims
It is not fake but misleading? Ok. Facts 1,2, if you have the facts, how do you get misled? Perhaps like this:

Trump claims Russia couldn’t have meddled in the election because Russia says it didn’t
"Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election!"