Thursday, June 14, 2018

President Trump Turns 72 Today

WNU Editor: His favorable poll numbers are around 50%. With headlines like the above .... his numbers should be higher.


Anonymous said...

on the other (or down side) hand....

B.Poster said...

I suspect the numbers actually are higher. During the election cycle I knew of several large employers in my area who pretty much instructed their employees not to wear pro-Trump clothing, don't have pro-Trump bumper stickers, don't say you support Trump, don't campaign for Trump, and don't say anything favorable about Trump. I live in an area just north of Houston TX. This is among the "reddest of the red" areas in the United States and the employers who issued these instructions to their employees were likely voting for Trump. No one wanted to be on the wrong side of a Clinton or to be targeted by them nor did they want their team members to be targeted by antifa thugs and the like. Again, this is among the "reddest of the red" areas in the US. I can only imagine how much pressure people would have been under to stay quite about being pro Trump in a so called swing state.

The same general dynamic applied to answering questions from pollsters. You never know who is listening in. Pollsters such as Rassmussen had different methodologies that are more in tune to modern realities and were/are better able to account for this sort of thing. Going into the election I knew there would be a whole ocean of Trump supporters who would vote for Trump in the privacy of the voting terminal that were not being accounted for by traditional methods. As such, I suspected the presidential race was much closer than we were being told.

The same general dynamic applies here. Trump supporters generally have trepidation about speaking up. Who wants to be attacked and/or have their families attacked? While big business has in some cases become less fearful, small business owners and managers are still somewhat reluctant to do so in public. Again, very few relish attacks resulting from being on the wrong side of the elites.

While I could be wrong, I estimate his actual approval rating to be around 60 to 65%. With that said with the successes he has had you are correct in pointing out that it should be higher. It should be around 80 to 85% in my opinion.

fred said...

why do people tell us the numbers are higher (I suspect) when they have no data or evidence to say that?

Trump turns 72. there is evidence for that. Do I suspect he may be much younger or older? NO.

Anonymous said...

Плакат работника: Мы сказали вам не использовать электронные письма для записи, но свяжитесь с анонимайзером. Мы не будем снова вас предупреждать по этому поводу

B.Poster said...


It is an extrapolation based upon known data. Humans do this all the time. Polling is not an exact science or so it would seem since so many pollsters got it wrong during the last election.

If you read my post, I stated what I suspected and the reasons for it to make my point. This is part of what humans do on a daily basis. We take available information and form hypothesis based upon this information combined with our real world experience. Sometimes we are wrong. Then we have to be able to admit we are wrong and adjust.

Now if you can point out the flaws in my analysis, I am all eyes. Based upon your snarky response I suspect you know I am probably right and rather than admit it you resort to snark.

Chase jones said...

the resistance in witch fred worships is slowly being mover to the trash bin of history. victors wright history and the left hasnt had much of those latly

fazman said...

Because if you can recall the election his numbers came in much higher than any poll.
B posters explanation is spot on, thankfully there is less Robert di niro and more Clint in the u.s psych. :)

fred said...


fred said...

Extrapolation based on jack daniels

Anonymous said...

The capacity of Trump supporters to delude themselves will never cease to amaze.

B.poster as poster boy. or a bot.

B.Poster said...

I don't drink Hack Daniel's. I predicted Trump's win in the presidential election based upon a similar analysis and was proven correct. Essentially there seems to me that there are a vast number of Trump supporters that aren't being accounted for by the pollsters.

B.Poster said...

How exactly are Trump supporters "deluding themselves?" The editor essentially cites facts. This is hardly delusional.

Now I am a "bot." Bots as in robots repeat the same thing over and over again with perhaps slight deviations. I do not. Very respectfully please read the posts in their entirety before commenting. Had you done so you would not have posted what you did as you would have known your assertion is inaccurate.

fazman said...

How are trump supporters delusional looking at what he'sachieved in under 1 term it seems they are anything but.

Antitroll said...

Trump has done more than president obozo. I am not even an American and can still see how well trump has done for America Problem is stupid media and certain celebrities can't see trump doing good It burns them

fazman said...

Exactly, why are they so blinded?