Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Most Extreme Poverty In The World Is Nigeria

Nigeria now has the largest extreme poverty population, 6 people become extremely poor every minute (DailyPost)

Yomi Kazeem, Quartz: Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the world

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to end extreme poverty by 2030 is unlikely to be met—no thanks, in large part, to Nigeria.

A new report by The World Poverty Clock shows Nigeria has overtaken India as the country with the most extreme poor people in the world. India has a population seven times larger than Nigeria’s. The struggle to lift more citizens out of extreme poverty is an indictment on successive Nigerian governments which have mismanaged the country’s vast oil riches through incompetence and corruption.

Read more ....

Update: Nigeria now has the largest extreme poverty population, 6 people become extremely poor every minute (Pulse)

WNU Editor: I have personally seen images that are far worse than the one that I have used for this post. We in the West are oblivious to the extreme poverty that exists in many places of the world .... but many people who live in these parts of the world know how we live .... and trust me on this one .... instead of fixing their country, their dream is to come here.


B.Poster said...

Fixing your country is hard. Come here is easy. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Can only confirm. ..over the years I have received many communications from even royalty in Nigeria - often princess - asking for money urgently. . Found myself wiring quite a bit of money to help them out, but no matter how much I'd send they'd still need more.