Tuesday, June 26, 2018

U.S. Army Makes A Massive Bradley Fighting Vehicle Buy

Warrior Maven: Army Makes Massive Bradley Buy - Up to 473 Vehicles to Prep for Major Power War

The Army is massively revving up its fleet of Bradley Fighting Vehicles through a recent deal to add up to 473.

The Army is massively revving up its fleet of Bradley Fighting Vehicles through a recent deal to add up to 473 of the new infantry carriers, service officials said.

The move represents a key portion of a broader Army push to prepare its arsenal of armored combat vehicles for major power land war - and further pave the way toward a new generation of combat platforms for the 2030s and beyond.

While the Army of course has thousands of Bradleys in its inventory, the size of this buy is extremely significant because, among other things, it it acquires the newest generation of Bradley vehicles - something designed to lay key groundwork for longer-term high-priority ground vehicle modernization plans.

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WNU Editor: Someone is expecting a major ground war.


jimbrown said...

Or sending a message.

Robert said...

Or both. Either way, it keeps the manufacturing of them alive in the US.

RussInSoCal said...

Actually, we just need new ones to replace the ones destroyed or worn out in Iraq and AFG.

Also a smart arms buy. If you already have a platform that's modifiable/capable to accept the new guns and the new black boxes, don't go and reinvent the thing at a cost of 15 years and $15B - and then cancel it. /if ain't broke, don't fix it.