Sunday, June 17, 2018

U.S. Cyber Command Has Been Told To Go On The Offensive

WRAL/New York Times: Pentagon Puts Cyberwarriors on the Offensive, Increasing the Risk of Conflict

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has quietly empowered the United States Cyber Command to take a far more aggressive approach to defending the nation against cyberattacks, a shift in strategy that could increase the risk of conflict with the foreign states that sponsor malicious hacking groups.

Until now, the Cyber Command has assumed a largely defensive posture, trying to counter attackers as they enter American networks. In the relatively few instances when it has gone on the offensive, particularly in trying to disrupt the online activities of the Islamic State and its recruiters in the past several years, the results have been mixed at best.

But in the spring, as the Pentagon elevated the command’s status, it opened the door to nearly daily raids on foreign networks, seeking to disable cyberweapons before they can be unleashed, according to strategy documents and military and intelligence officials.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This change in U.S. response to cyber attacks from one of always being on the defense to one that will now be on the offensive is going to shake things up. What I would like to know is  .... who will the U.S. strike first.


Anonymous said...

Nice posting. This one illuminating the coming of the future in contrast to the passing of the subject of the prior post.

B.Poster said...

The US can't "strike" anyone. US (un)intelligence is a group of incompetent boobs and political hacks.

We Could have fixed this. Alas, we didn't. Incompent US (un)intelligence is incapable of anything of importance.

POTUS would be unwise to rely on them for anything but a fourth hand source at best.

Anonymous said...

Iran, North Korea, Cuba are my guesses as the “usual suspects”. They can punch way above their weight with no consequences so I expect they are first up.

Americanadian soldier said...

Too little too late....

jac said...

I want to see before making any judgement.

Mike Feldhake said...

This is good. Playing cyber defense does not fit the technology. Cyber threats need to be taken out at the source as they can affect the broad destinations, sort of like how cancer spreads. Kill the cancer cells to kill the issue. All good and just a sign of the times.

Anonymous said...

Applaud this decision. Too long state sanctioned cyber attacks have been ignored. Biggest offenders are actually Russia, North Korea, Iran, China. Those 4 make like 70-90% of damage to the US cyber realm and connected services/devices. This has Trump written all over it. Under no other president has the US gone on the offensive and finally started to stop all these violations

Syria chemical attacks - boom
China south China Sea navigation and flyovers - check
North Korea - yup
China trade violations - yep
Eu trade violations - yup

You gotta love this guy..and I'm from the EU haha. With such a massive US economy and china's "emperor has no clothes moment" of being caught to overinflate its tiny economy by up to 30% (so no, the 1.5bn people of China don't produce 11 trillion but likely only 8-9 trillion. While the us produces 20 trillion and even Germany with its only 100mn people produces half of China. Wake up guys. ..this is the moment history will remember :)) Americans rocking hard and China''s Xi turns out to be just a planless winnie the poo :)

Bob Huntley said...

First target, USA sites.