Monday, June 18, 2018

US Senate Testimony On IG Report: Former FBI Director And Attorney General Are A No Show. FBI Deputy Director Pleads The Fifth

Washington Times: Comey refuses to testify to Congress, Grassley says McCabe pleads Fifth Amendment

Fired FBI Director James Comey refused to appear before Congress on Monday to talk about his handling of the Clinton email investigation, and his fired deputy, Andrew McCabe, asserted his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, Sen. Charles E. Grassley said.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch also declined to show up for a major hearing where the Senate Judiciary Committee was looking into the inspector general’s report detailing major bungles in Mr. Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation.

Mr. Comey’s lawyer said he was out of the country — though Mr. Grassley, committee chairman, said he saw Mr. Comey was in Iowa over the weekend, visiting a key state in presidential campaigning.

“He has time for book tours and television interview, but apparently no time to assist this committee,” Mr. Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The IG report on the FBI is something that I suspect that no one in Washington thought over a year ago  would happen. They were wrong. Over the weekend I read most of the report .... and I am still digesting it. But there is no doubt in my mind about one thing .... there is a serious problem in the FBI, and the senior management and those below them must go. Will it happen? Listening to FBI Director Wray this evening .... I will have to say no. So the onus is on Attorney General Sessions to do something .... but I am not optimistic that anything meaningful will come from him.

More News On Today's US Senate Testimony On The IG Report Concerning The FBI

Senators spar for hours over FBI's probe of Clinton case -- Politico
Senate judiciary panel grills Justice inspector general, FBI director on Clinton email probe -- USA Today
Grassley demands details on Comey's use of personal email -- The Hill
Comey Under Investigation For Handling Of Classified Information -- Daily Caller
Justice Dept. IG: ‘We Did Not Have Confidence’ Peter Strzok Acted ‘Free From Bias’ -- Washington Free Beacon

1 comment:

Antitroll said...

Corrupt democrats. How does anyone ever trust the system of usa?