Thursday, June 28, 2018

U.S. State Department: US Will Block F-35 Sale If Turkey Buys Russia's S-400 Air-Defense Missile System


Sputnik: Turkey’s Purchase of S-400 From Russia May Nix Sale of F-35 Jets - US Official

Washington will impose sanctions on Turkey if Ankara goes ahead with the planned purchase of S-400 air-defense missile systems from Russia, the State Department said on Tuesday.

A senior State Department official warned Turkey on Tuesday that Washington might not hand over the F-35 fifth-generation F-35 fighters if Ankara goes ahead with its planned purchase of S-400 missile defense systems from Russia.

Testifying before the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, Wess Mitchell, US assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, said that the handover of F-35s to America’s foreign partners is normally followed by a lengthy period of training of pilots of the countries that the planes are going to.

Read more ....

Update: US will block F-35 sale if Turkey buys Russian missile (AFP)

WNU Editor: Turkey has already received two F-35s, and it looks like it will be their last .... Turkey Held A Bizarre Ceremony To Celebrate Its F-35s — But It Might Not Even Get Them (Task & Purpose/Business Insider).


B.Poster said...

S-400 or F-35? Just how atipid is the US government? Obviously when given the choice anyone would choose the S-400 over the F-35. Do we want a workable defense system over an unworkable military aircraft? Gee what do you think?!!? Do we want competent Russian support personnel over incompetent boobs on the American side? How hard is this to figure out?!!?

Smart people mwke smart decisions. Stupid people make stupid decisions.

America won Cold War 1 because the Soviet Union embraced a failed economic system of Communism. Russia has thoroughly rejected Communism. American leaders have gone out of their way to foment a new cold war and for no good reason.

Russia actually WANTS a summit with POTUS. They do NOT need it. America does NEED THIS!! The Russians actually appear to trust and respect Trump. We need to take advantage of this opportunity. We may never have another such opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Comrade. Calm yourself. The socialist worker revolution will make F35 look like plastic toy. Don't worry. Let's drink vodka.

Anonymous said...

The F-35s Turkey received will be stateside for a couple years in the normal flow of business. The bigger question is will Turkey withdraw from NATO if bounced from the F-35? Will NATO suspend Turkey from all critical functions including intelligence sharing? Does Turkey want to exchange 50 years of NATO protection for a Russian-Iranian partnership?

In the past the US could count on a coup to restore balance, now that ain’t happening. I think a new alignment continues with a Arab, Israeli, USA alliance sweeping away the post WWII allegiances with Turkey finding new allies.

Anonymous said...

You are now a moderator for R/Russia. Now we must take off shirt drink vodka and wrestle, with bear!

B.Poster said...

Perhaps the language used was over the top. The position is that an S-400 defense system would make more sense for just about anyone than an F-35. Also, given the massive challenges faced by the US, constructive relations with the world's dominant powers are really needed.

This does not mean we will agree with them on everything and we will likely need to challenge them in some areas, however, going out of our way to foment conflict when unnecessary is not going to be helpful. Furthermore the observation that the US government especially those at the very top is fully accurate. There no need to calm myself as I'm not upset. Had you bothered to read the post you'd know this. You'd also know "Comrade" is an inaccurate description of me as I hate communism.

B.Poster said...

I agree Turkey is withdrawing from NATO. I'd suggest expelling them if this is possible. They've been a Dr facto enemy for quite awhile now.

Frankly I wouldn't be opposed to America withdrawing from NATO. This "alliance" no longer seems to make sense for our defense needs and seems to have negative utility for our defense needs. Furthermore with men like Donald Tusk running things in Europe now this raises additional concerns further calling into question whether or not we should be participating in such an "alliance "

Stephen Davenport said...

The two they have are at Luke AFB in Arizona and be confiscated if needed. My guess if we don't confiscate then either the Russkies or the Chicoms will end up with them. Much like the special forces MH-60 that crashed in the Bin Laden raid.

Matthew Putnam said...

Great. So next time we piss Turkey off enough they will sell the aircraft to Russia and China or in the least, allow inspectors to come over and get a thorough look at it. Really stupid move to see the deal through, given the current course and recent actions by the Turkish State.

Anonymous said...

I hate replying from my phone so I will keep it short. Imo you were a little over the top with the first paragraph.

Care to explain why you believe that the s-400 system is such a superior system? Do you have any links from actual combat performance? And I don't mean like those 80some claimed tlams that were intercepted. Care to provide some links of the perforyof the feared s-300 system in a real war?

The fact of the matter is that us equipment has been tried and refined over the past two decades that should allow for a near peer advantage..... If we could stop the damn hacking of course.

Take the Patriot system. How many intercepts has it performed in the past 2-3 decades? How many intercepts has the s-300/400 performed?

Look if we are going by what the manufacturer claims and notuch else then I'm guessing you love reading the national intrest

Anonymous said...

And the f-117.....