Sunday, June 17, 2018

What Happened To San Francisco?

Zero Hedge: "Terrified" San Francisco Tourists Shocked By Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles, Dead Bodies

Syringes were visible, people were staggering, others had wide aggressive eyes.

San Francisco - a Democratic stronghold known for cable cars, quaint architecture and its diverse culture, has become a bastion of squalor and crime as city dwellers and visitors alike dodge aggressive, drug-addled vagrants. And it's beginning to scare the tourists...

An Australian couple visiting the city were shocked by what they saw after deciding to walk back to their hotel:

"Is this normal or am I in a 'bad part of town?' Just walked past numerous homeless off their faces, screaming and running all over the sidewalk near Twitter HQ and then a murder scene. Wife is scared to leave hotel now," reads a Wednesday posting by Reddit user /u/nashtendo.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My brother moved to San Mateo (south of San Francisco) in the 1990s .... he had zero interest to stay in Moscow or live in Canada. Because of business and my brother being there .... I have been making visits to the Bay Area for years. I have also seen how much it has degraded in the past 20 years. There are parts of the city that I just do not recognize anymore .... and I just do not understand why the people who have homes and businesses there continue to elect the people who are making it worse.


fred said...

When you go to a doctor because something is bothering you, he will examine you and then decide What to Do because This or That caused that might try that on any culture, nation, when you find things offputting

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah this is normal. The average locals are terrified to confront the homeless as the local lunatics in the progressive movement are likely to unleash social media terrorism on you if you try. Also the city council and mayors office view them as a constituency by virtue of all the activists supporting the homeless. Its not just SF now, it’s in Oakland and some suburbs.

Anonymous said...

Here in Oakland, the homeless camps emerged about 3 years ago. The city used to not allow that. But something changed during the Obama years. My suspicion has been that leaders of predominantly Democratically governed cities met in their various annual confabs and informally decided to allow it. Why? The down and out are a constituency that is a useful symbol of their ideological goals, i.e., the failure of capitalism and the need for greater social spending.

Unfortunately, it has not and is not working. The homeless camps are disgraceful. They are unsanitary fire hazards. While they have become a cause for a few that want to convince themselves of their generous humanity, they make a mockery of other city policies that strictly govern the things normal people are allowed to construct on their property---things which are constrained by all sorts of regulations relating to public health, safety and welfare, and in many cases appearance and density.

This is how you get more Trump.

Anonymous said...

Anon, yes the local governments are ignoring zoning laws to allow the homeless to set up camps wherever they can get away with it. I own a home and if I started taking dumps on my yard the cops would be at my door in minutes of a public complaint. Not the homeless camps or sidewalks in SF. The city of SF. has leagalized craps in public. Your health be damned.

As you can see, it’s the public leadership demanding the locals endure feces and dangerous drug addicts or else. Yet Democrats keep getting 70%+ vote rates.