Monday, June 11, 2018

Who Is In Charge In North Korea Right Now?

North Korean security personnel run next to a motorcade believed to be carrying North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Sunday. (Tyrone Siu/Reuters)

WNU Editor: I have noticed that all the people that count in the North Korean government are in Singapore right now. So a nagging question .... who in North Korea is minding the "fort"?


Anonymous said...

You know what I took notice of? Of course not, so I'll tell you. The report that Kim's sister flew on a separate jet to Singapore. So she is 2ed in command and his heir to the family empire.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon. Yup. And that is my next post.

B.Poster said...

Every successful organization has competent administrators who can run things for a few days doing what needs to be done without the top management necessarily being present. Add to this the marvel of modern communication and the administrators and the top leaders are never our of touch. As such, the administrators can be in touch with leadership instantly and can respond to any crisis instantly.

A "mezsage" may be being sent. Essentially the North Korean government is very, very stable and that anyone trying to undermine it by threatening the NK government will not succeed. As additional evidence for this assertion, recently Kim Jong Un felt comfortable enough in his position to reshuffle his inner circle.