Sunday, June 24, 2018

Why President Trump's Critics Have Crossed The Line When They Compare Him To Hitler

Allan Richarz, The Hill: The strategic blunder of ‘Trump-as-Hitler’

You knew it was coming. Eighteen months into the Trump administration and the president’s ostensibly serious critics have finally broken the glass on the “Trump-is-a-Nazi” line of attack.

To be certain, there were previous allusions to this from media, Democrats and “Never Trumpers” — accusations of authoritarianism meant to implicitly draw the connection between President Donald Trump and Nazi Germany. Apart from the “over-woke,” under-informed Hollywood set, however, critics largely managed to avoid making the explicit comparison.

Until now, that is, with the issue of family separations at the U.S. border dominating headlines.

But overwrought comparisons to the Nazis are both historically illiterate and an extreme strategic misstep. The president’s critics have crossed a rhetorical line from which there can be no turning back.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What better way to ensure President Trump and his allies will coast to victory in the Congressional midterms and in the 2020 General election by comparing him and his supporters to Nazis. From Hillary Clinton comparing Putin to Hitler .... Former U.S. Secretary Of State Kerry Confirms What War News Updates Posted 4 Years Ago (June 2, 2018), to today's debate on open borders and how migrants should be treated .... the Hitler-Nazi card is now being widely used by progressives/Democrats/never-Trumpers/etc. in labeling those that they oppose. And while this is nothing new .... I heard this same line of argument used against President Reagan and President George Bush .... it is now reaching a fever pitch that I have never heard before. Will it work .... no. It will only galvanize those who have been labeled as such to go to the polls on election day .... and the funny thing about all of this is that President Trump knows it, while his opponents are oblivious of the consequences on what they are saying.


aaa said...

As I said after the election, democrats please keep using this language! It will only keep Republican voters from making the switch.

I read the article earlier today and the author nailed it. In what reality does demonizing people convince them to agree with you?

Instead of using rational arguments, these people are using attacks to incite hatred and are further dividing the country. Eventually, people will learn to see through these attacks, and when they do, they will be furious.

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Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump is the real victim here. He also tweeted that North Korea no longer has nuclear weapons. A wonderful time to be alive, to be sure.

fred said...

Liberals murder Jews? you are a phucking moron to say the liberals in the US that murder Jews! never mind the bs you will imply about complicit...murder Jews you have said...

fred said...

I have never called him or any other American Hitler. He has however hinted at a distaste for democratic procedures, as here:

Trump says illegal immigrants should be deported with 'no judges or court cases'

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aaa said...

Fred, you may not be using this language but at this point, it's undeniable that many of the people with the loudest voices are (news media, Hollywood, musicians, current and former politicians).

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Anonymous said...


might as well be this:

Matthew Putnam said...

I love how Fred always becomes silent and runs away whenever Aizino, B and others prod Freds little safe space bubble. He will come stumbling in here with his closed loop, fallacy-ridden "news" and then when people cite things he requested as proof he just doesn't know how to handle it and never gets back to anyone. Must feel weird to live with intense confirmation bias and not knowing what you do and do not actually know.

Anonymous said...

aaa agreed. But Fred is alright... He keeps an open mind, I think.
Fred. The only thing I'd ask of you to watch some other news channels like Fox (I know, I know. .just 5 years ago I would have cringed at even the thought of watching fox and I myself made fun of their "fair and balanced slogan" and called them out when they hated on Obama. But now. ..I can't even watch nbc or cnn for 5 minutes without spotting so many lies and leaving out of inconvenient facts, it makes me sick. Try it. .give them a fair shot.

Anonymous said...

Let's not make fun of Fred, OK? Otherwise we're just like the left and I'd hate that thought. Something good is happening in America and it's noticed around the world. .sure. .our news outlet hate and lie about Trunp just like yours do. .but the people look through it. It will not take much longer until it becomes apparent to even the most radicalised "leftie". Sure, there will always be these outrage actors.. but their magic will fade .right now you can do the most outrageous things on the left. .calling Trump a Nazi. .calling immigration places concentration camps. It is beyond outrageous and I say that as a German. Freaking unglaublich what they get away with. .worse yet. .people applaud each other into this trance like state of self-righteousness. .. it cannot go on like this much longer then there will be open season on these people. ..the left shot up several republicans a year ago. No mention on the anniversary on cnn. They're busy instigating hate and outrage.

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