Sunday, July 8, 2018

Chinese 'Laser AK-47' Manufacturer Releases Video To Silence Skeptics

Zero Hedge: Chinese "Laser AK-47" Field Test Video Seeks To Silence Skeptics

To convince skeptics and naysayers the Chinese company that was the focus of international headlines after unveiling its “laser AK-47” that it claimed can set fire to a target from nearly a kilometer away has released a video of the weapon being tested as proof of its capability.

As we highlighted, among the first to call bullshit on the claims published in a South China Morning Post report detailing the ZKZM-500 produced by the Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences was a US military and veteran website.

After all, the original report touted the weapon could "burn through clothes in a split second… If the fabric is flammable, the whole person will be set on fire. The pain will be beyond endurance," according to a Chinese weapons expert cited.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am skeptical on its ability to light something on fire a kilometer away.


Bert Bert said...

Anonymous said...

Oh they shouldn't have released the video because that looks really lame stuff our kids in highschool can do

Anonymous said...

So embarrassing to watch.. should have not released it
Also, from a tactical point of view..
1) that thing looks heavy
2) What are you gonna do, follow someone with that laser thing and try to keep it on target for hours? :)
3) Smoke grenades
4) Rainy weather
5) Lasers the US (especially Navy) has actually work
6) Face palm