Friday, July 6, 2018

Chinese Spies Tried to Bribe German MPs For Information

DW: China tried to spy on German parliament — report

Chinese spies have attempted to bribe German MPs for information, according to a newspaper report. Chinese agents would use fake profiles to try to get MPs to give insider information for money.

Chinese spies attempted to bribe members of Germany's Bundestag for information in the form of "analyses," German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Friday.

The newspaper suggests that Chinese agents were using fake social media profiles — already networked with several members of the German parliament — to contact German MPs and offer them money in exchange for expertise and insider knowledge. The agents would invite these MPs to China to try to pressure them for information.

Read more ....

WNU editor: The Chinese media wants to be focused elsewhere .... Interview: Chinese premier's visit take China-Germany ties to new heights (


Anonymous said...

Death penalty for Chinese spies and the problems we have around the world with them will be reduced significantly over night..they heck and spy and steal from everyone and if we don't stop this cancer, we'll lose more and more

anon said...

It seems there a lot of this going on in Australia also. It's becoming obvious that it's widespread. There definitely needs to be some sort of deterrent, not just for the Chinese but also anyone found to be collaborating with them. Unfortunately here in Australia it's often the politicians who are found to be the traitors.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Australia but I can tell you the Vietnamese -hate- the Chinese.

Seems like whichever country I vist, China made enemies for life there (they threatened Vietnam with war (!) over an oil field in disputed waters, and try to change the public language in North Vietnam to Chinese. )

That's also why I never believed in this China success story. They are infants when it comes to global diplomacy yet tell everyone they have such an ancient civilisation. Ancient yes, civilised - not so much. .and they don't seem to learn fast when they can't steal the blueprints first. And now they're being called out by Trump haha he is not very civilised either, but he's right on the subject matter and the US economy is rocking hard. No chance - zero - that the Chinese can win this. And with this loss,the world order that cnn tried to tell us would change, actually will remain much more in favour to the west, thanks to trump. Two years ago I would have held my nose and voted fit Clinton (disgusting person), but now I'm very happy trump is potus and I truly believe his hard stance on China will be his greatest achievement and if he succeeds fully, he might go down as one of the greatest presidents, at least in my lifetime. I really liked Obama, but he was more talk and appearances. Trump is a nonstop machine. .this guy has energy up his eyeballs lol.. I really hope he will be reelected