Saturday, July 7, 2018

Could The US-China Trade War Result In A US-China Shooting War?

Harry J. Kazianis, Fox News: The US-China trade war has begun - a shooting war could be next

A trade war broke out Friday between the U.S. and China, when the U.S. imposed tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese products and China slapped tariffs on and equal amount of U.S. products. President Trump has said that would prompt the U.S. to impose up to $500 billion in Chinese products.

But things could get worse. The deterioration in U.S.-China relations could escalate and turn into a shooting war between two nuclear armed superpowers. In the worst-case scenario, this could result in massive casualties on both sides that could even lead to nuclear war.

Some will call such a statement pure hype – and I wish it was. But the facts lead us to a dark place when it comes to our relationship with China, which is becoming less of a partnership and more like a fight between mortal enemies looking to gain any advantage they can over the other.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: We are far away from a shooting war .... but for pundits who enjoy writing these type of stories, they will generate the interest and clicks that they desire.


Americanadian soldier said...

I’m just curios was to where the loyalties of the wealthy Chinese here in Canada lie. Anyone who’s been to China or are familiar with the general pop will know that they hold zero loyalty to this country and when ordered from the mainland can do serious harm to any ally of their enemy. There are many Chinese here. So which side will Canada take in an escalation of the conflict we now find ourselves in. Talk about bein stuck between an angry eagle and a hungry dragon. Poor little beaver.

Mike Feldhake said...

If China wants to leverage its new military assets in the South China Sea, then yes this could easily turn into a violent shooting war.

Bert Bert said...

China’s military is not there yet. They need to delay, delay, delay. These economic measures will impact that plan. If manufacturing returns to US, that also hurts China. In an extended war they suffer greatly from lack of native resources and have to relay on stockpiles and imports. Also, population in very condensed, with much of tha country covered by the gobi desert.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Things are not going well for China at the moment, and here's why:

1) they'll lose the trade war. The Chinese currency and markets have already dropped significantly, while on the other side the US market continues to improve. It's of course too early to tell, but even forecasts 1-2yrs out look unfavourably for China

2) China, with its outrageous claims has irritated most of SE Asia. Vietnam,Australia, new Zealand, Japan, south Korea are all firmly on the US side if a shooting war happens. On top of that Nato will automatically trigger article 10. While individually most Nato countries are relatively weak militarily (the US excempt ofc), together they make a formidable alliance and have each unique strengths...on top a handful of them have nukes. On top, together they dwarf China economically. On top they have Germany. England. France. Check out war stats of Norway. Like holy f,Norway soldiers eat Russians 1:1 for breakfast.
3) China is not a superpower from a geographic position. They are encircled in the south and have border issues with India (another nuclear power with long and strong Animositors to the Chinese) in the east. They too would help the US.

4) China wants our money and goods more than we want theirs. I don't mind paying a little bit more on average and many things can now be purchased more cheaply (and in better quality I'd argue from Vietnam, Thailand and other SE Asian countries that have been growing faster than China and are the new go to markets for the last 3-5 years already)

5) china's vision for the world is horrendous. Any free man will not want to live under an authoritarian system such as the Chinese. Our politics can get messy and yes, needs inprovement and refinement, but boy are we free in comparison to Chinese.

6) Putin will not side with cHina. He knows this might end the world as we know it. And he also knows that Russia and Europe are much closer by blood and culture than to the Chinese who despise anyone else and don't see any other country as worthy.

In my opinion, China has already lost. They just don't know it yet. It'll take them ten-twenty years to realise that they lost their so desired Chinese century due to their hubris. Try talking to a Chinese for more than an hour and you'll see what i'm talking about :))

So yeah, this century belongs to the west. It is up to us to invite Russia to be part of "the new alliance ". Wer shall no longer refer to it as the west either because it becomes inherently obvious that everyone wants to be free and have opportunities, and Russians will join us and ultimately China too. We do not wish them harm, but we cannot accept their dystopian,sickening socio economic system of a party that rules all. No thanks

Anonymous said...

Forgot a few

7) the world trades in US dollar, not chinese yuan. More tHan 75% of works trade is done in dollars. Less than 5% in yuan and mostly in SE Asia. Entire China could disappear over night and from a currency perspective it would be bad but recoverable in half a years or one year time on world trade. If the dollar or the US goes, light switches in 100+ countries would go off and stay off for a long time. It'd be comparable to everyone losing a major war and earth would need years, perhaps decades to recover. Means there is vested interest - necessity to side with the US backed system. Now more than ever actually.

8) trump has a few other magic cards up his sleeve. Similar to Russia, wnu can confirm this, the Chinese will be hit hardest of their elites are no longer welcome in the US. They too often live in california or at least stay there a few months a year. Ban them - not Mexicans - and you'll change Xi's position over night. Ban Chinese from partaking in US universities and academia and you set back the Chinese by another decade

9) Roswell ;-))

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