Sunday, July 1, 2018

German Chancellor Merkel's Coalition Partner Will Not Support Her Immigration Deal. German Government Now At Risk Of Falling

German Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer

DW: Angela Merkel's coalition partner escalates asylum row

The row in the German coalition government over asylum policy re-ignited on Sunday as Interior Minister Horst Seehofer defied Chancellor Angela Merkel over asylum policy. Merkel is facing a new government crisis.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer dramatically re-escalated the row over asylum policy on Sunday evening by calling Chancellor Angela Merkel's European Union deal over asylum policy as "not having the same effect" as the national measures he has been pushing for.

According to reports from sources within the Christian Social Union (CSU), Bavarian sister-party to Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), party leader Seehofer also said that his crunch meeting with the chancellor on Saturday evening had not had any effect.

Read more ....

Update #1: Future of Germany’s Angela Merkel in Question After Coalition Allies Reject Migration Deal (WSJ)
Update #2: Merkel's Bavarian allies put foot down over border bans (Reuters)

WNU Editor: I am surprised that Merkel's coalition partners are abandoning her. If they continue in this course of action, the German government will collapse and there will be a general election .... one in which they will be punished in the polls. One of my German readers emailed me last night that because of the migration crisis the internal poll numbers are now so bad for the Christian Social Union (CSU) that they had/have no choice but to abandon Merkel. It looks like he is right.


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Young Communist said...

Merkel is in charge so many years because his ability of snuff the air and follow (and sometimes enforce) the trend. And to talk about the good part of EU leaving the "bad cop" role to another.

I think that comedy has to come to an end.

Unknown said...
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