Thursday, July 5, 2018

German Military To Get A Major Funding Boost

DW: German army to get €4-billion spending boost

The German army is set to benefit from a multibillion-euro spending increase, according to Finance Minister Olaf Scholz's draft defense budget. Germany has been under pressure to contribute more as a NATO partner.

Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany will increase defense spending as she prepares to attend an upcoming NATO summit next week in Brussels. She added, however, "Compared to what others are doing in relation to GDP this is not nearly enough."

Though the new budget will represent a €4-billion ($4.65 billion) increase in funding for the military, it is unlikely to satisfy critics from other NATO allies, first among them US President Donald Trump, who have regularly complained that Germany is not spending enough on defense.

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WNU Editor: The NATO summit is next week. Is this timing of a major defense budget increase coincidental .... LOL .... NO! Will this be enough to solve problems in the German military .... again no .... German air force in dire straits: chief of staff (Reuters). Will this quiet down President Trump who believes Germany is avoiding its responsibilities towards NATO .... again no .... Trump demands NATO spend more or face shifts in US military (CNN). As to what is my take .... at least Berlin is attempting to correct problems in their military, of which most of it is funding.


Unknown said...

Funding not Dunding

That was an obvious fat finger typo.

Anonymous said...

I applaud this decision. It's not fair to our American friends to let them pay > 70%, while we pay less than 2%. Yes, the US economy is bigger than Germany's, but not 35x bigger. .more like 5 times. And we agreed to pay 2%..the least we can do is honour our word, so, I'm glad this is happening