Friday, July 6, 2018

'Groping Allegations' Continue To Dodge Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

Reuters: Canada's Trudeau, facing groping allegation, says he apologized, did nothing wrong

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a supporter of feminist causes, on Thursday conceded for the first time that he had apologized in 2000 to a woman who accused him of groping her but insisted he did not feel he had done anything wrong.

Trudeau, whose government is working on new legislation against workplace harassment, has faced Canadian media scrutiny in recent weeks about what happened at a charity fundraiser in Creston, British Columbia nearly 20 years ago.

In his first direct comments on the incident on Canada Day last Sunday, the prime minister said he “didn’t remember any negative interactions that day at all”, but on Thursday he said “I apologized in the moment” without giving details.

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WNU Editor: He showed up in front of the press today because this is hurting him politically, and as this blog mentioned a few days ago, his remarks have only guaranteed that this story is not going to go away .... Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Addresses Groping Allegation From 2000 (July 2, 2018). The problem that the Prime Minister now finds himself in is that he is violating his own rules on how people in his government should behave on these issues, and it is undermining his own remarks that women should "always be believed". It looks like he sees himself as an exception to his own rule .... and what he said today is not going to help him at all. This commentator's remarks from a few days ago sums it best .... Mr. Trudeau’s ‘negative interaction’ (Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail).

More News On 'Groping Allegations' Continuing To Dodge Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

'I am confident that I did not act inappropriately,' Trudeau says of groping allegation -- CBC
After 'reflecting very carefully' on groping allegation, Trudeau says he doesn't feel he acted inappropriately -- National Post
'I do not feel that I acted inappropriately': PM Trudeau on 'groping' allegation -- CTV News
Justin Trudeau concedes woman behind B.C. groping allegation may have experienced their encounter ‘differently’ -- Toronto Star


Daniel said...

I don't think that anyone who says "women should always be believed" means it literally. It's a very popular yet logically absurd sentiment and they always have to quietly backtrack away from it when holding on to it is no longer compatible with their personal interests. See also Hillary being confronted about her husband's accusers.

Anonymous said...

Hey why is he being attacked? He's on the left, I thought it's OK whatever you do as long as you're on the left? What's going on?

Anonymous said...

It is the most sexist thing to publicly (!!) say women should always be believed. Words matter. And the kale eating bunch on the left who wants to get laid just applauds everything that increases their chances, no matter how much of a lie or how much it damages society or how much it encourages liars and attention seekers. Having said that, sexual aggression is real. And we should take it seriously. I'm a guy, average looking but perhaps well built. I've been stalked and aggressively chased by a handful of women over the years and I think this is way unreported. Why? Not sure why. .in my case I know I can always defend myself if it gets too much and I don't want a woman to lose her job just because she's horny and finds me attractive ..we're all human beings. I don't excuse guys though who use force or are crazy stalkers too.
...Just before people put words in my mouth...but the amount of gold diggers on the female side is incredible. Every year billions (not millions, billions! ) of dollars are given to women in divorce cases and accusation cases. .I yet have to see a man that gets this kind of treatment under the law. I'd marry right away haha

Americanadian soldier said...

Ha ha good point.... the left has failed with their policies and are now in the “canibalism” stage of their demise. Good riddance.