Monday, July 9, 2018

If Democratic Socialism Works, Why Doesn’t Venezuela Have Toilet Paper?

John Sexton, Hot Air: Tucker Carlson: If Democratic Socialism works, why doesn’t Venezuela have toilet paper?

Tucker Carlson devoted a segment of his show last night to discussing Democratic Socialism with Professor Cornel West. After outlining some of the policy prescriptions advocated by Democratic Socialists—”state ownership of major industries,” reparations for black Americans, abolishing ICE, etc—Carlson asked Cornel West for an example of where such a program has worked.

“Can you point to an example, an extant example, of it that works? Venezuela seems like an example of Democratic Socialism. Would you say that it is and if so does it work?” Carlson asked.

“No, I don’t think that Democratic Socialism as an ideal has been able to be embodied in a larger social context.”

The interview could have ended there with West admitting that this is an idea that has never worked, except that would be letting West off the hook too easily. Carlson brought the question back around to this point saying, “What happened in Venezuela? They call that Democratic Socialism but they don’t have toilet paper.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This story brings back bad nightmares on the toilet paper that I had to use growing up in the former Soviet Union. Words cannot describe what almost every Soviet citizen had to use .... it is an experience that you have to go through. To put it bluntly. The rolls were small. The paper was coarse. And it was always hard to find. So yes to those who preach the ideals of socialism/communism .... the problem is that you have not perfected the art of making and distributing toilet paper. And don't get me going on hygeine products for women. When I was working abroad I always had multiple requests from the girls in my life to bring back these products .... correction .... demands to bring these products back.


Anonymous said...

The more outrageous thing here is that Mr. West blamed the US (!) for those countries' failures... and he's at Harvard. He's really good at gospel/sermon like speeches (basically speaking in a Rhythmetic sing sang to prevent being interrupted for the absurdities he's saying and the hypnotised audience claps on..this interview was better but usually talkshow and news hosts just let him sing sang talk and the audience cheers him on like a special Olympics kid.. I don't mean to be mean spirited here, but this guy spews such dangerous nonsense sometimes and interviewers should not just give him a pass because he's got the rhythmic speech pattern down ffs)

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Anonymous said...

Checkmate Libs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aiz got internet access at the asylum again. Libs pwned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please enlighten us on how West or Duke created racists every time they spoke.

How are they both short-lived?

Duke has lived long enough to voice support for Donald Trump. Did Duke occur "naturally" in the body politik of the U.S.A.? Did West?

Can you quantify any of this?

Or did Rush tell you?

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Anonymous said...

Not saying he is a racist. From all I've seen I don't think he is. He's a socialist - which is not a bad thing in moderation - I just don't like it when he just goes on to sing-sang about how the world oughta be, without explaining how it could work. ..arguably he doesn't have to. .but then he's more a singer than a constructive critic of socioeconomics. I of course too want people to not be enslaved by capitalism, but before we change society, I'd like to discuss the implications on the tax rate and living conditions for all. Also things like "when and how do we determine if this experiment with society failed?".. because everyone has ideas, bringing them successful to fruition is another thing

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Amp1776 said...

Nothing better then a witness who KNOWS.

Amp1776 said...

If it was so great why did they need a wall to keep people in?

Anonymous said...

"You have provided no proof."

I'm smart, with a capital s enough to see through your B.S.

You still have yet to provide a shred of said - just diversions and generalizations.

Don't throw chaff in my face. The stuff about blacks not being able to be racist is case in point. It's not throwing anyone off.

You made the assertion. The burden of proof is on you. Stop f'n around and GIVE US NUMBERS.

Calumnious prattle may serve in the GOP, or Tea Party, but here, you need to prove your shit or admit you are making very spurious assertions based on anecdotal , heavily biased, "evidence" at best.

If you are going to make shit up, back it with something at least passably resembling stats - not ridiculous associations with other peoples' hard worked upon discoveries.

The analogy is based on a false premise with no quantified proof.

So, again, can we get a number or is this just another Rush inspired scam?

I'll go with the latter.


And BTW,

being a a bit, sorta, kinda fascist is nothing like being anything else. You eitha' is or yuh ain't. And you is.

Carl said...

The problem is that there's no science here. The production and distribution of toilet paper, like any other commodity in the economy is a PHYSICAL PROCESS. Therefore, you need to master economics as a physical science, not as monetary theory or social processes, or any of the other nonsense that's taught as economics these days. It requires science at the front end, to invent toilet paper that people will use without cringing, then you have to build the production facilities to produce it and the transportation infrastructure to move it from production to toilets. Most important of all, you have to educate and train a workforce with the skills required to make all of this function.
Obviously, neither Cornel West, nor Venezuela or the old Soviet Union ever mastered that science.