Saturday, July 7, 2018

Is NATO Obsolete?

Christian Whiton, National Interest: NATO Is Obsolete

"Europe is prosperous and treats America like a patsy. Let it stand on its own."

Before President Donald Trump attempts real diplomacy with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki on July 16, he'll first be subjected to another summit. That first summit is a gathering of leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These leaders continually assure the United States they are America's best allies, even as most contribute little to America's defense and rack up huge trade surpluses with the United States. Trump will insist on a better deal but should go farther and wind down U.S. membership in NATO.

After the alliance was established in 1949, its first secretary general, Lord Hastings Ismay, summed up its purpose concisely: “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” The unofficial mission matched the time well: Western Europe’s postwar future was clouded by the prospect of a Soviet invasion, American insularity, or German militarism—all possible given the preceding decades of history.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: For years I was a staunch supporter of NATO, But now I am not sure. The problem that I have is that while NATO countries have been persistent in declaring that NATO is necessary in view of the Russian threat, they are not backing up their warnings with increased defense spending or insuring the readiness of their military. I have read to many reports like this one to make me believe otherwise .... Germany's Air Force Is Dying a Slow Death (Michael Peck, The National Interest). So .... is NATO obsolete? My answer is no for the moment, but I do see this alliance fracturing within a decade or two .... even quicker if the Ukraine crisis and war cane be solved diplomatically. Either way I would like to see a debate on this issue. If not in NATO, at least in the U.S..


jac said...

NATO is fully obsolete! It was done for a problem which is no more existing. Why sticking with the past and not looking for the future?
The world has completely change (not NATO) and we need to make defense organization for the long future.
The future is China (and it's Tentacles among the rest of the world) for us as well as for Russia. A full North Association of Culture and Civilization has to be done. All the North is Christian, is technology advanced, have the same value's and need to face a 6 billions people more and more weaponized with only 1 billion people on our side.
That's a big step to do and I'm not sure we are able to do it.

Roger Smith said...

Jac, I'm of the opinion that the problem doesn't exist because NATO does exist. The Crimea scenario shows what Russia is capable of. At least, if another obama should reside in the white house.
China may have reached it's high point unless it becomes less pushy. Note Malaysia's $22 billion response to Chinese behavior yesterday. I don't doubt that there will be more and similar responses
to Chinese pushiness in the future. A book titled Ride the Iron Rooster confirms my suspicion that the Chinese will eat anything that doesn't eat them first. Though the book didn't delve into politics I think their eating habits are a reflection of their interactions with their neighbors. Recall the bumbling and expensive attempt at invading Vietnam many years ago and the current border frictions with India.
I agree about Chinese tentacles. The Chinese-Russia border is long, remote, and lightly populated. Russia's population vs China's billion plus should cause Russian policy makers some sleepless nights pondering what ifs.
The yellow peril indeed.

Young Communist said...

Italy is the third contributor to peace keeping missions, we have cut our welfare to increase military spending, give support to NATO wars, use our navy to save migrants, and no respect or solidarity at all has gain for that from our "allies".

Fuck NATO and EU, instruments of imperialism even against his members.