Saturday, July 7, 2018

Is North Korea Working On A New Submarine Capable Of Firing Nuclear-Armed Missiles?

An underwater test-firing of a submarine ballistic missile shown in an undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency on April 24, 2016. KCNA/File Photo via Reuters

Business Insider: North Korea is reportedly working on a new submarine capable of firing nuclear-armed missiles

* Despite North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's recent summit with President Donald Trump, North Korea doesn't appear to have abandoned its nuclear ambitions.
* Recent reports indicate the country is also working on another ballistic-missile submarine.
* Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to meet with North Korean officials in Pyongyang on Friday to further discuss denuclearization.

North Korea appears to be working on a new submarine capable of firing nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, according to information gathered by South Korea's military.

Kim Hack-yong, a South Korean lawmaker who until a few weeks ago was head of the legislature's defense committee, told The Wall Street Journal that North Korea appeared to working on the sub at the port of Sinpo on the country's east coast.

An aide to Kim said South Korean intelligence had noticed workers and materials moving at the port, where work on the sub appeared to be taking place at an indoor facility. Kim, whose term as the defense-committee chief recently ended, is a member of the conservative party that has been wary of talks with North Korea.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If the above reports are true, and North Korea does complete and deploy such a submarine. One can then say with confidence that North Korea has defaulted on the Singapore agreement to denuclearize.


someone said...

Such a sub would be largely useless against the mainland US but probably effective against targets in South Korea and Japan.Problem is building the systems needed to launch a missile from it.Also its not enough to only have one you need 3-5.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Do not underestimate the North and what they're willing to do with security assurances by china. Only one nuke makes it through and lands on San Francisco/ the silicon valley area and not only trillions will be lost, but also America's tech edge for decades to come, perhaps never to return. And by our own estimates they have 60+ nukes - enough to get one through because missile defense has been shown to be largely infective. Take this seriously.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I think China is making a huge mistake to back North Korea. Keep in mind, the North has threatened not only the US, but also many Asian nations with nuclear war, including Japan and South Korea. And it is China that has 1) weakened sanctions, and 2) even gone so far to sell mobile missile launchers and the very rocket fuel that will power the nuclear rockets to this murderous regime.
So on one side you have an authoritarian regime (China) that for the sake of geopolitics backs a murderous totalitarian regime (north Korea)..on the other side is the free world that just wants to live in peace. The contrast couldn't be starker. It does not look good for China. Even a pathetic regime like china - looks worse by associating itself with north Korea. But oh no, the pundits will say "China so smart"..yeah right. If China is so smart how come their currency and markets are dropping like a weak toddler on sleeping pills? :) if China is so smart how come they've alienated and bullied and threatened war to much of Asia, only to be completely encircled now?

Don't believe in the China myth. That'd the only thing they've got left. A myth. And they bet big on us "dumb westerners" to buy into it. No thanks. .not buying your crap, China. We'll do business with Vietnam, Japan, south Korea, Thailand, Australia and every other nation that doesn't try to subdue every human being like your filthy party tries to.