Friday, July 13, 2018

Kremlin Does Not Know What The U.S. Wants In Syria

A tactical vehicle brandishing a U.S. flag is used during a security patrol near Manbij, Syria, on June 24. The U.S. has had to defend its local allies in Syria not only from ISIS, but from rebels, Turkey and pro-Syrian government forces as well. Staff Sergeant Timothy R. Koster/U.S. Army/Department of Defense

Newsweek: What Does U.S. Even Want in Syria? Russia Asks, Says Americans Must Be Just as Confused

Russia has called into question the U.S. strategy in Syria, claiming that it contained mixed messages and sought contradictory goals potentially aimed at prolonging instability.

While Russia and the U.S. are both involved in battling jihadis in Syria, they do so in partnership with different local factions and support different outcomes for the country's seven-year civil war. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu argued Wednesday that the U.S. had no legal mandate to be in Syria and that it had shifted its rhetoric over the years to justify its prolonged presence.

"According to what is often heard in statements made to the U.S. media by representatives of Congress and by experts from the United States government to clarify the American strategy in Syria, you cannot grasp its essence, not only in our country," Shoigu said in an interview with Italy's Il Giornale newspaper.

"In recent years, theories of the illegal presence, not only from the point of view of international law but also of American law, of the U.S. military contingent in Syria have been constantly evolving," he added.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Many Americans do not understand why the U.S. is in Syria,  and quite frankly they are not alone, many Russians do not understand why Russia is in Syria.

Update: Russia learns that having permanent friends in the Middle East is mission impossible .... Russia, Caught Between Iran and Israel's War in Syria, Looks for Allies on Both Sides (Newsweek).


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

The USA went into Syria under the Obama regime to tussle with ISIS. When Trump took over he went in to defeat ISIS. However Trump also went in to defeat Iran's drive to have a highway from Beirut to Tehran. The US will stay in Syria until it is kicked out or via a conference some sort of mutually agreeable withdrawal of Iranian forces is arranged far enough from Jordan's and Israel's borders.

This isn't a brain buster to figure out.

Stephen Davenport said...

Probably to protect the Kurds, like they did post 1991 Iraq Gulf War.

Anonymous said...

we went into sovereign nation to fight ISIS? nope. we went in to support anti Assad rebels and help Kurds

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Following the publication on 30 August of the U.S. Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013, President Obama gave a speech in the White House Rose Garden on 31 August in which he announced that he would seek authorization from Congress before using American military forces to intervene in the Syrian civil war.[33][34] In the speech, he announced that he was "prepared to give that order," referring to ordering a strike on Syria.[33] Obama argued that it was necessary to intervene because the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria "risks making a mockery of the global prohibition on the use of chemicals weapons" and that it put U.S. regional allies that share a border with Syria in danger.[35] In his speech, Obama also said that, "while I believe I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorization, I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course, and our actions will be even more effective."[35] Introduction of S.J. Res. 21 in the Senate soon followed.
[name calling is chilish behavior]

Anonymous said...

Conservative MP says Donald Trump has been compromised by Kremlin
Bob Seely, a Conservative member of the British Parliament, pointed to Trump’s heavy reliance on Russian money

Unknown said...
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