Friday, July 6, 2018

Mexican President-Elect Lopez Obrador Will Be Presenting A Plan To Begin Negotiations To End The Drug Cartel War

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador addressed supporters after polls closed [Edgard Garrido/Reuters]

Reuters: Incoming Mexican president to seek negotiated peace in drug war

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Friday will present a plan for a negotiated peace including reduced jail time as the country reels from a militarized drug war that has produced tens of thousands of deaths over the past 12 years.

The concept of “transitional justice” is part of the incoming government’s integral security strategy, Olga Sanchez, Lopez Obrador’s proposed interior minister, told Reuters in an interview.

Transitional justice typically involves leniency for those who admit guilt, truth commissions to investigate atrocities and the granting of reparations for some victims.

“Not only will it be amnesty, it will be a law to reduce jail time,” Sanchez said.

“We will propose decriminalization, create truth commissions, we will attack the causes of poverty, we will give scholarships to the youth and we will work in the field to get them out of the drug situation.”

Lopez Obrador, a leftist who handily won the presidency on Sunday, wants to rewrite the rules of the drug war, suggesting a negotiated peace and amnesty for some of the very people currently targeted by security forces.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Its an ambitious plan, and I can only pray that it will work.


Anonymous said...

This guy has balls, and I salute him for his worthy and utterly respectful goal. However, how he wants to go about it is important. He suggests amnesty. The drug Lords don't care about that. Most of them run the show over there and are not scared by police nor politicians. It's a multi billion dollar business with 90% profitability and no taxes. They will kill every politician trying to end this, and this guy famously doesn't want bodyguards. ..this is beyond having big balls. ..maybe he's just a deluded leftie who thinks they waited for a guy like him to finally give them amnesty and that they'll break out in song haha

My guess is :he'll be dead before 2019

B.Poster said...

"My guess is he'll be dead before 2019." 'I tend to agree.

Of course he could turn to President Trump, respect him, and treat him as an equal. POTUS has allies who could be persuaded to help him.

Of course this will mean agreeing with DJT on the need to shut down the borders. Defeating the cartels will mean shutting down the supply. Will he agree to this?

I think not. America has been Mexico's bitch for decades. Changing this will be VERY difficult!! America will need to gain a level of self confidence most nations take for granted.

Tnose who would invade America using tneir kids as human shields should be seperated from their kids as the bad parents they are. Fortunately America is a decent country. The invaders can be sent home. Their kids they sought to use as human shields in their invaision of America can be assigned to good parents who care about them and look out for their intersts. Their parents who would use them and abuse tnem are evil.

It's a good thing America is "good." Should it not decide to be "good" how would the? invaders expect to be treated? Surely the kids would be treated well in spite of rhe parents. After all it takes a special kind of evil to use your kid as a front "human shield" to invade a country you don't like.

You could've asked us to help you treating us respectfully. You didn't. Instead you chose to invade. Even more despicable you chose to use your kids as human shields during the invasion. You will reap the bitter fruit you have sewn.