Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Mexico President-Elect López Obrador Rejects Bodyguards

Mexico’s president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, addresses the media. Photograph: Edgard Garrido/Reuters

The Guardian: Mexico president-elect rejects bodyguards: 'The citizens will protect me'

Leftist Amlo has also refused to live in ornate presidential residence and pledged to cut his own salary

He has just been elected commander-in-chief of a nation mired in an intractable drug conflict that has claimed more than 200,000 lives in little more than a decade.

But on Tuesday, Mexico’s incoming president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, claimed he would waive the right to close protection in a bid to stay close to the people.

“I don’t want bodyguards, which means the citizens will take care of me and protect me,” López Obrador, or Amlo, as he is best known, told reporters as he called on Mexico’s incumbent president, Enrique Peña Nieto, to discuss the transition.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Let us see how long this lasts.


Anonymous said...

You can only reject bodyguards in Mexico (and survive) IF the drug cartels approve of what you're doing or think the next guy who'd replace you might be harder on you.

My sources confirm this.

Sources: mainly watching scarface. He wasn't playing a Mexican, I know..but man what a movie. .what were we talking about? Right. .glass pebbles. .those surely are something


Anonymous said...

Mexico City is nuts, if you are there on business expect to have a body guard(s) and a bullet proof suv.

jac said...

weird! He want to fight the drug cartels without bodyguards? What he is smoking? May be what the cartels give him.

Roger Smith said...

We've had Jimmy Carter. An admirable man but one whose tooth fairy dust air filter took a Russian invasion of Afghanistan to get the furnace maintenance crew to come out and change it.
And then, of course, there's obama.
Obviously Mexico's newest leader has learned nothing from the attempts of others of his ilk south of our border.
A famous and oft repeated statement from Wall Street springs to mind; "This time it's different".