Thursday, July 5, 2018

On The Eve Of A Trade War Between The U.S. And China, U.S. President Trump Is Threatening Tariffs On Chinese Goods That Could Exceed $500 billion

Reuters: Trump says U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods could exceed $500 billion

WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday the United States may ultimately impose tariffs on more than a half-trillion dollars’ worth of Chinese goods as the world’s two largest economies hurtled toward the start of a trade war.

Trump confirmed that the United States would begin collecting tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese goods at 12:01 a.m. (0401 GMT) on Friday and warned that subsequent rounds could exceed $500 billion - roughly the amount that the United States imported from China last year.

“You have another 16 (billion dollars) in two weeks, and then, as you know, we have $200 billion in abeyance and then after the $200 billion, we have $300 billion in abeyance. Ok? So we have 50 plus 200 plus almost 300,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China has already started "punishing" businesses in China .... China might have already begun the US-China trade war (VOX).

More News On The Start Of The U.S. - China Trade War

US to slap new tariffs worth US$34 billion on China, heating up trade war as Beijing promises retaliation -- SCMP/Politico
China rejects 'blackmail' on eve of US tariff hike -- AP
Here's Where China Stands as Hour of U.S. Tariffs Approaches -- Bloomberg
Trade war could hurt these economies far more than U.S., China -- Ritvik Carvalho, Reuters
US-China tariffs in charts: global supply chains at risk -- Financial Times
The US-China trade war is about to get real -- Jethro Mullen, CNN
As U.S.-China tit-for-tat tariffs approach, here's what could happen -- Los Angeles Times


Anonymous said...

The Vox glorified bloggers almost sound like they are siding with underhand barriers and tactics. Only to spite Drumpf.

China should realise the US can play this game as well and much more legitimately as this story shows.

The EU was never going to side with China. With the Iran oil impacts on financial transactions and associated punishments it now appears Trump has developed many points to pressure China on.

Anonymous said...

China is losing everywhere now. .even in Malaysia (hugely important to their silk road 2.0 project)

Too bad haha
Mess with the best and die like the rest

Anonymous said...

Not to toot my own horn but I saw this coming and pulled my money out of China more than a month ago..China believed their own hype of a Chinese century and thought they could steal from the US -AND- keep insulting them. They're now seeing everywhere how wrong they were. Another easy prediction: Xi won't be president for life... lol whinie the poor bear has pooped out