Sunday, July 8, 2018

President Trump And The U.S. Navy: No Iranian Harassment Of American Warships In 2018

FOX News: US Navy: No sign of Iranian harassment of American warships in 2018

The usual harassment of U.S. warships by small Iranian gunboats in the Persian Gulf has stopped this year, according to the Navy, but the suspension of such activity could be in jeopardy as Iran threatens to block the Strait of Hormuz.

According to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain, these so-called “unsafe and unprofessional” interactions typically took place once a month during President Trump’s first year in office. But there have been no recorded instances of harassment this year.

In then-President Barack Obama’s last year in office, Iranian warships harassed the U.S. Navy about three times a month. These interactions fell by roughly 60 percent in Trump’s first year in office.

Read more ....

Update: Iran has completely stopped harassing US ships now that strong Trump replaced weakling Obama (Thomas Lifson, American Thinker)

WNU Editor:
Twitter is having fun on this claim .... Trump, US Navy Say ‘Zero’ Harassment of US Ships by Iran, Twitter Reacts (Sputnik). What's my take .... we are in July .... 2018 is far from over.

Update #2:
Why did Iran stop harassing US Navy ships? (Nicole Bauke, Navy Times)

Update #3: Iran has switched from small boats to drones .... Iranian Drone Missions on the Rise in the Persian Gulf as Small Boat Harassment Drops (USNI News).


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, this is a pure " Go ahead, make my day" provocation.

Why has the Trump Admin decided to goad the Iranians now?

Anonymous said...

Because he holds the higher hand, and everyone at the table knows it.

Unknown said...
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jac said...

Iranian, as many other one's, realize that Trump administration is not the Obama one. And that's a huge change.