Sunday, July 1, 2018

Several Killed As Iranian Security Forces Fire On Protestors

Times of Israel: Several reported killed as Iranian forces open fire on protesters

Gunshots heard on videos shared on social media of demonstrators in Khorramshahr, where residents have complained of a lack of water

At least four protesters were reported killed in Iran as regime forces opened fire on demonstrators rallying against a water shortage in the city of Khorramshahr.

Vidoes shared on social media late Saturday night appeared to show Iranian forces opening fire on protesters in the Arab-majority city, in the oil-rich southwestern Khuzestan region.

Read more ....

Update #1: Four protesters killed in southwestern Iran after security forces open fire (Al Arabiya)
Update #2: Iranians Join Major Protest Against Water Shortages in South (VOA)

WNU Editor: The Iranian government is being directly blamed for this crisis .... Water Shortage Protests Erupt in Iran (Iran News Updates)


Anonymous said...

And so it begins..

Bert Bert said...

Think what you will of Qanon, but he did know that Iran would kick off after the Korea deal. Hope this gets settled one way or the other with as little bloodshed as possible.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm getting fed up with Iranian population being hostage in this showdown between their leaders and ours. Fuc* those hardliners. .the sooner they are gone the better for all. I don't think regular Iranians approve financing of terror groups, they just want a job and a life and water like you and I

fred said...

Of interest to me is the protests because of water shortages...this is an indication of the very near future, not just in Iran, not just in Middle East, but in other areas of the world

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fazman said...

Let them drink beer

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Anonymous said...

به نظر می رسد یکی از مفسران به نظر می رسد در دهان فوم و قادر به ترك كردن آنچه كه می گوید به طوری كه بر روی صفحه فوران می كند، مثل جریان جریان گدازه در هاوایی

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

<a href="<B>water shortages in 25 nations</b></a> With nary a one of them socialist

fazman said...

As in French revolution "Let them eat cake"