Friday, July 13, 2018

The Trump Blimp May Have Been Underwhelming But The Protestors In The U.K. Have Finally Come Out In Force To Demonstrate Against President Trump

Daily Mail: Anti-Trump protestors take over central London: 100,000 march through the streets of the capital to demonstrate against Presidential visit

* 20ft high inflatable caricature depicted President as an angry infant wearing a nappy and clutching phone
* Hours after he landed in London for the four-day tour of the UK, President Trump said that he felt 'unwelcome'
* The balloon soared above Parliament Square as thousands get set to protest against the controversial visit
* Blimp given green light by London Mayor Sadiq Khan in a move branded 'highly inappropriate and pathetic'

A much vaunted baby Trump blimp which flew above Parliament ahead of thousands of protesters marching through the capital has been labelled a damp squib by social media.

Anti-Trump protesters stirred controversy with the 20ft high inflatable caricature, which depicted the leader as an angry infant wearing a nappy and clutching a mobile phone and floated among statues of revered world leaders including Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

But as it was taken down after two hours, it was ridiculed by Twitter users who called the blimp 'pathetic' and a 'waste of money.'

It was given the green light by London Mayor Sadiq Khan in a move branded 'utterly pathetic, pointless and graceless' by MP Sir Nicholas Soames as it hovered near the statue of his grandfather Sir Winston Churchill.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Live coverage of the demonstrations in London can be seen below:


Caecus said...

A lot of leftists with nothing productive to do.

B.Poster said...

"Only 100,000?!!?" With all of the hype and marketing that has gone into this this is all they can get?!!?

"A lot of leftists with nothing productive to do." This pretty much nails it. Those of us who regularly put in 70 to 80 hour work weeks and have families to tend to and DO NOT get government assistance do not have time for such things. In fact those of us in this position view the Trump regulatory reforms and tax cuts with welcome relief.

Once Republicans of like mind to Trump gain seats in both the House and the Senate during the next election the US economy will really take off. Right now, while business leaders are generally liking what they are seeing, they are concerned that less capable leadership can and will eliminate these positive developments. In other words once they are convinced that the changes are relatively permanent, they are going to act accordingly in terms of hiring, expansion, etc.

Anonymous said...

of course! leftists! because you know, because you many here and elsewhere do not like Trump and they are expressing themselves. Ps: the average raise for the average person just sank under inflation under the Trump tax break for the wealthy...all the trolling, ivan, is pure nonsense...where is health program and infrastructure, oh, first the trade war

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Anonymous said...

I am Dick Bone of Phynance Bending Org and we specialize in taking your money and giving you little in return ...

Anonymous said...

Think small crowd...then THEN LOOK AT THIS GALLERY OF PROTESTERS Hardly small and ineffective! tip: confront reality

B.Poster said...


"all the trolling Ivan..." whose Ivan? I assume this is directed at me. Such insults and slurs are generally what someone resorts to when their argument is weak as they need to find some way to discredit the other position when it cannot be discredited on merit. I think this is what you are tying to do here or perhaps you are simply parroting what others may have told you. In your case, this is what I think is going on. Reading comprehension, logic, or an understanding of statistics does not appear to be among your strong suits.

I have dealt with my true identity before. My real name is Robert Foshee. My company website is

Now to deal with your talking points. Of course it is primarily leftists. The types of people I mention in my posts have extensive dealings with such people. Such people are the only ones who have the time necessary to protest during the day during normal working hours and such people generally do not respect private property. We have extensive dealings with them.

Whom do you trust, media pundits who lack real world experience or those on the front lines who have such experience, have experienced such things first hand, and are generally trustworthy?

As for the statistics you cite, everyone with even a minimal working knowledge of such things knows that low numbers skew the averages more so than high number do. "the average wage sank for the average person..." This may be true for low skilled workers. For higher skilled workers, this is definitely NOT the case. At least in the area I live in near Houston, TX nor is this true for any of my associates, their associates, their associates, or so on and so forth. The lower end is very likely skewing the stat. As such, the numbers you cite may not be correct. In fact, available evidence would suggest they are definitely not correct. A better measure would probably be the median raise.

fazman said...

You're correct b poster,unproductive lefties who heard about the march at bhohemian cafe, but have no idea why they are there.

anon said...

Begone Richard. Pest.