Friday, July 13, 2018

U.S. Justice Department Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Agents For Hacking DNC, Hillary Clinton Campaign, And State Elections

Politico: Mueller indicts 12 Russians for email hacking days before Trump-Putin summit

The indictment sheds new light on the Kremlin's 2016 election interference scheme just before President Donald Trump is set to meet Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian military officials on Friday and accused them of hacking into two Democratic Party computer systems to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments, filed in federal district court in Washington, just days before a scheduled Monday summit in Helsinki between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that Putin ordered a Russian effort to manipulate the 2016 election in Trump’s favor.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Even though Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein makes it very clear that no Americans are involved, that the election result would not have been altered in anyway, and that no Americans are involved in this indictment, this is not going to stop the media narrative on Russian collusion. The full indictment is here. In regards to the indictment .... I find it interesting that there is no direct mention of Wikileaks or Julian Assange (they call them Organization One). I also doubt that these Russian GRU agents are going to travel to the U.S. to contest these claims in open court. Too bad .... I would love to know how the U.S. Justice Department determined these charges when they did nto have access to the DNC server.

More News On The U.S. Justice Department Indicting 12 Russian Intelligence Agents For Hacking DNC, Hillary Clinton Campaign, And State Elections

12 Russians accused of hacking Democrats in 2016 US election -- AP
U.S. grand jury indicts 12 Russian spies in 2016 election hacking -- Reuters
12 Russian Agents Indicted in Mueller Investigation -- The New York Times
Russian officers indicted for allegedly hacking Clinton campaign, DNC emails -- FOX News
Justice Department Charges Russian Cyberspies With Attack On 2016 Election -- NPR
12 Russians indicted in Mueller investigation -- CNN
Mueller indicts 12 Russian intel officers for hacking Democrats -- ABC News
Mueller indicts 12 Russians for hacking into Democrats -- Politico
Rosenstein: Trump 'fully aware' of Russian indictments -- The Hill
US indicts 12 Russians for hacking DNC emails during the 2016 election -- The Guardian
Mueller indicts 12 Russian intelligence officers on hacking charges -- Business Insider
Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Spies for Hacking in 2016 Campaign -- Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

Trump publicly asked Russia to 'find' Hillary Clinton's missing emails. Kremlin agents apparently tried that evening.

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Roger Smith said...

"...scooped up and thrown into her van." Good one AS. I'm having a hard time typing this I'm laughing so much at the image.
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