Thursday, July 5, 2018

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Urges His Armed Forces To Be On Guard Against The U.S.

Trump reportedly raised the idea in August 2017 during a meeting about sanctions the United States has imposed on oil rich Venezuela (AFP Photo/Federico PARRA)

AFP: Maduro warns Venezuela army over Trump 'invasion' plans

Caracas (AFP) - President Nicolas Maduro urged his armed forces Wednesday to be on guard following news reports in the United States that a year ago President Donald Trump raised the possibility of invading Venezuela.

"You cannot lower you guard for even a second, because we will defend the greatest right our homeland has had in all of its history," Maduro said at a military ceremony, "which is to live in peace."

He alluded to reports in the US press which said that last August Trump asked foreign policy advisers about the possibility of invading Venezuela, which the Trump administration has derided as a corrupt, leftwing dictatorship.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He is responding to this .... President Donald Trump Asked Several Advisers Last August About The Possibility Of Invading Venezuela (July 4, 2018). If I was him I would be more worried on what will his own Army and people do, not on what the U.S. may do.


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Anonymous said...

Good'uns AS. Especially The Pottery Barn rule. I laughed out loud when I read this. Great and historic choice! I'm putting this in my quiver of darts.


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