Sunday, July 1, 2018

With Nicaragua's Political Crisis Escalating, The Economy Has Collapsed

AFP: Nicaragua's crisis deals a crushing blow to businesses large and small

Managua (AFP) - With hotels, restaurants, bars, stores, workshops and even tortilla sellers driven out of business or struggling to survive, and with thousands of people left jobless, the turbulent political crisis sundering Nicaragua has taken a broader toll, plunging its economy into a tailspin.

The wave of violence unleashed during harshly repressed anti-government protests has left some 220 people dead.

What had been a vibrant tourism industry has been devastated, with ripple effects on the broader economy in a country that was already one of the poorest in the Americas.

Business closings have left 200,000 people jobless, and unless the crisis ends soon, some 1.3 million of Nicaragua's 6.2 million people "risk falling into poverty," according to a study by the Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development (Funides).

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WNU Editor:
This is a good point .... Nicaragua’s bloodshed is worse than Venezuela’s. Where’s the international uproar? (AndrĂ©s Oppenheimer, Miami Herald)

More News On The Crisis In Nicaragua

Nicaragua: Attack on the “March of Flowers” Leaves 11 with Bullet Wounds -- Havana Times
Army’s role under the spotlight in Nicaragua -- Tico Times/AFP
What Will Become of Nicaragua? -- Rebecca Gordon, The Nation
How Nicaragua’s Comeback Started to Fall Apart -- Bloomberg
Nicaragua’s government is brutally cracking down on its people, but protests are spreading -- Toby Hill, VICE


Unknown said...
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Young Communist said...

And Sanders was right about terrorism of USA.

Tanks to pressitutes of today no need of contras to spread mayem.

Unknown said...
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