Thursday, August 16, 2018

300 Newspapers Denounce President Trump's Attacks On The Media In Coordinated Editorials

NPR: Hundreds Of Newspapers Denounce Trump's Attacks On Media In Coordinated Editorials

More than 300 news publications across the country are joining together to defend the role of a free press and denounce President Trump's ongoing attacks on the news media in coordinated editorials publishing Thursday, according to a tally by The Boston Globe.

The project was spearheaded by staff members of the editorial page at the Globe, who write: "This relentless assault on the free press has dangerous consequences. We asked editorial boards from around the country – liberal and conservative, large and small — to join us today to address this fundamental threat in their own words."

Read more ....

Update: Trump labels media 'the opposition party' as newspapers push back en masse (Politico)

WNU Editor: This is President Trump's response ....

As to what is my take. This commentary sums it up .... With bash-Trump day, press acts like opposition party (By Joe Concha, The Hill).

Update: Definitely (see below).

Update #2: A history of media bias as chronicled by WNU (link here)


fred said...

Trump began early on by naming specific outlets he disliked, calling them fake news...he lately moved on to denounce all newspaper as Enemy of the People (a Russian phrase used to denounce opposition) and so some 300 papers banded together to remind the public that Jefferson, Franklin, Paine et al early on stated that a democracy depended upon a free press and that the first amendment was first in amendments to suggest the importance of freedom of expression. Trump, then, is the fake

RussInSoCal said...

Main stream media groupthink on parade.

Mike Feldhake said...

Screw the Press. Just nailed Reuters today on their false/less true story about Trump revoking Brennan's clearance. They stated: "...Sara Sanders, also announced he [Trump] was evaluating other former high-ranking officials, all of whom have criticized him.."

What!! The guys listed were people demoted, fired and could/should be arrested and put in jail. And they conveniently left that out. These press a-hole need to be shot. They can't be fair; Sanders statement had good reasons for the actions. Granted, all ex-admin staff if left the gov't should have them revoked. The press were NOT fair in their writing and left readers thinking this was just because they have been Critical. They completely left out the fact these guys are in legal trouble!

Yea, I a more than pissed off.

fred said...

They are right and trump hater
Intel guy st top keep clearance to consult
It always worked this way till putin puppet got knickers up on hissy fit

Unknown said...
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Chase jones said...

you people have been in a cry baby hissy fit since you lost the election so its funny to here little titty babys talk about someone els like you have any credibility that why the news sites u worship have garbage ratings lol