Monday, August 6, 2018

China Had A Spy On U.S. Senator Feinstein's Staff For Almost 20 Years

Politico: How Silicon Valley Became a Den of Spies

The West Coast is a growing target of foreign espionage. And it’s not ready to fight back.

SAN FRANCISCO—In the fall of 1989, during the Cold War’s wan and washed-out final months, the Berlin Wall was crumbling—and so was San Francisco. The powerful Loma Prieta earthquake, the most destructive to hit the region in more than 80 years, felled entire apartment buildings. Freeway overpasses shuddered and collapsed, swallowing cars like a sandpit. Sixty-three people were killed and thousands injured. And local Soviet spies, just like many other denizens of the Bay Area, applied for their share of the nearly $3.5 billion in relief funds allocated by President George H.W. Bush.

FBI counterintelligence saw an opening, recalled Rick Smith, who worked on the Bureau’s San Francisco-based Soviet squad from 1972 to 1992. When they discovered that a known Soviet spy, operating under diplomatic cover, had filed a claim, Smith and several other bureau officials posed as federal employees disbursing relief funds to meet with the spy. The goal was to compromise him with repeated payments, then to turn him. “We can offer your full claim,” Smith told the man. “Come meet us again.” He agreed.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Senator Feinstein and her allies coupled with the media are downplaying this story. But this is a huge intelligence coup for the Chinese because this man was her chauffeur for 20 years!!!! But the story does not end there. What I do not understand is why is the media not publishing this Chinese spy’s name, where does he live now, or even why did the media choose to not expose this story 5 years ago. I also find it interesting that the FBI made the decision to tell US Senator Feinstein that she had a spy on her staff, but they made the decision to not inform candidate Trump in 2016 that he may have Russian spies on his staff. So why the double standard? I suspect that there is more to this story, and I do expect answers to come out in the weeks (if the media reports it).

More News On China Having A Spy On U.S. Senator Feinstein's Staff For Almost 20 Years

Trump mocks Senator Feinstein following reports an alleged Chinese spy worked for her -- USA Today
Dianne Feinstein Had a Chinese Spy at Her Side For Almost 2 Decades -- Epoch Times
Feinstein-Trump Exchange Jabs Over Chinese Spy Driver Revelation -- CBS San Francisco
Details Surface About Chinese Spy Who Worked For Sen. Feinstein -- CBS San Francisco


fred said...

Dear editor:
you seem too quick to think there is a good deal of anti-Trump things going on in our intel. Not so.

F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

fred said...

Does Trump think the Chinese are only interested in Democrats and not our nation! How stupid can one get?
Trump mocks Senator Feinstein following reports an alleged Chinese spy worked for her

Anonymous said...

So DiFi was a dupe for 20 years. No China collusion.
Sec of State Hillary allowed her emails to be monitored if not weaponized for years by Russia and China. No Russia/China collusion.
Hillary's campaign chairman, Podesta, used "password" as his email password and allowed his emails to be hacked. No Russia collusion.
Sec of State Hillary allowed Russian interests to illegally buy 20% of US uranium reserves and then remove them to Russia only after 10's of millions were contributed to the Clinton Global Initiative by Russians.
No Russia collusion.

This is demented by the press. The Dems are awash in compromising circumstances yet no special prosecutor on them. This is how nations fail, not dealing in reality and destroying the rule of law.

By the way, I've used Captcha on many sites. By far your implementation is the most time consuming and redundant prompts of any, put another way, its the worst I've dealt with.

War News Updates Editor said...

My main focus and commentary in this post is on the media, and its lack of interest in this story. Not President Trump and the intelligence community. But the FBI should have informed President Trump on what they were doing .... but they choose not to. And considering what we now know about the FBI, and the extreme bias and prejudices of its top officials against President Trump, the New York Times story/explanation does not come even close to answering the questions that have been raised on what was the intent, purpose, and evidence that motivated the FBI to do this investigation.

As for the USA Today post on President Trump's response to all of this .... the stupidity that is being revealed is that all the claims and attacks that have been directed at President Trump since his son and son-in-law met a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower is now being used (with almost the same language) against Sen. Feinstein and her trusted chauffeur of 20 years. It is not a surprise to see how everyone is now in the fit over this .... because according to the media .... these people's actions are beyond reproach, unlike President Trump.

War News Updates Editor said...

I think I have disabled the feature that you are annoyed with.
Please inform me later if it is now OK.
Thanks for the heads-up.

fred said...

because the senator had a spy she knew nothing about does not mean she somehow works for the Chinese govt etc...
Do not let your bias make silly statements

fred said...

Ever think it rather odd that the driver/spy was discovered and fired FIVE years ago but suddenly the story is posted here and at a few other places?

Anonymous said...

Fred, the absurdity of the Trump investigation is that there is nothing after 2 years of craziness and special prosecutor. Whereas with the Dems evidence of criminality haunts the Clintons. Don't forget Obama was caught on video in the run up to the 2012 election begging Prime Minister Medvedev to ask Putin to go easy on him before the election so that Obama can go easy on him afterwards. Collusion by definition and the Dems wear it like soiled wet underwear.

fred said...

don't you trump folks ever change your tune in light of facts?
There has been no indictments, none, zip, for Hillary after two full years of investigation. No indictment of Obama for anything though his enemies, the GOP, for sure wanted to bring him down. Mueller has been at his work in less time and thus far has over a dozen indictments, one or two guilty pleas, and now Manafort about to get jailed for life unless Trump pardons him...and there is Gates, and Flynn and on and on.
Now Mueller has been at it in a shorter time than the GOP investigations in their attempt to bring down Hillary. And compare results this far! and what might be down the road?

fred said...

Rick Gates says he committed crimes with former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort

Rick Gates, the star witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's fraud and conspiracy trial against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, testifies against his former business partner.
Gates pleaded guilty in February to lying to investigators and conspiracy against the United States, and agreed to work with Mueller as part of a plea deal.
His potential sentence was drastically reduced, and the special counsel holds the power to petition the court to further reduce his sentencing time based on his cooperation.

Anonymous said...

Fred these court room histronics have nothing to do with Trump or his campaign. As the court room judge has said, Mueller is attempting to coerce Manafort to dish some dirt on Trump. Given what we've seen so far with the trail, there is nothing since Manafort's involvement was so brief.
Wake me when Trump is involved.

fred said...

This is not only or merely about trump

Anonymous said...

Fred..pretty much everyone around Clinton pleaded the 5th or made shady deals for immunity and at the end we know how Comey handled it. When will you ever be honest?