Thursday, August 2, 2018

Did The New York Times Editorial Board Just Hire A Racist?

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Saved tweets from Sarah Jeong, the newest member of the New York Times editorial board. (source: Twitter)

Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media: New York Times Editorial Board Hires 'Angry Racist' Who Gets 'Sick' Pleasure Out of Racial Cruelty

On Wednesday, the New York Times hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Shortly thereafter, Jeong's old racist tweets emerged.

The tweets aren't exactly ancient history. In 2014 and 2015, Jeong — senior writer at the Verge — unleashed a few Twitter tirades against people with a lighter complexion. She seems to have deleted them now, but screenshots showing the tweets (and her new Twitter bio as "soon to be editorial board @nytimes") have surfaced on the Internet.

"Dumba** f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs p**sing on fire hydrants," Jeong tweeted in November 2014. Ouch! Not only a profanity-laced tirade, but a tirade comparing people to dogs because of the color of their skin!

Read more ....

Update #1: Sarah Jeong's racist tweets spotlighted after New York Times hiring: 'White men are bulls--' (Washington Times)
Update #2: Sarah Jeong: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know (Heavy)

WNU Editor: These tweets are appalling, and her claims that this was done out of satire does not convince me. The fact that the New York Times is defending her is a disappointment .... New York Times stands by new tech writer Sarah Jeong after racist tweets surface (FOX News). I started reading the New York Times in the 1980s .... when it was the paper of record and required reading by all those who were interested in American news. Today .... it is just a shell of the great paper that it once was.


Anonymous said...

Wnu you must be mistaken. The article clearly stated she's Asian. So how could she be racist? We've all been told only white people do and say racist things - don't you dare challenge this narrative!

Also. ..nothing will happen to her... if she were white she'd have to go on a year long apology tour and never get to work again. Like a life changing event. Losing your home etc. Nothing will happen to this lady. She's not republican. She's a -woman- of non-white background. .that's the highest protected class. And as she's Democrat, she could never be racist. How dare you! She's a misunderstood comedian. She'll get an award and pay rise and own talk show.

Funny how that other lady on msnbc who wrote these horrible homophobic statements first pretended she was hacked (lied ) and then got away with it. Both protected classes. Women. Democrat. Non-White. It's like a gang. And if you want to be part of that gang, boy do you have to eat a lot of Kale and practice your outrage battle cry. The more outraged you are the more powerful you'll be. It's the new economy.

RussInSoCal said...

She seems s perfect fit for the NYT; hateful, stupid and bigoted. She’ll fit right in.



Anonymous said...

This type of double, double standard by the left is routine. Of course she is working for old white men that she hates. Karma for the despicable hypocrites and more votes for Trump.

Roger Smith said...

Well, I tried a trial subscription once. Did not subscribe and found I seldom read it. I did not care for their opinion section and Krugman was unacceptable.
If I wanted to read of gentrification in Brooklyn, fine. Politics, not acceptable.

fred said...

Nice thing about America is that you can pick and choose. Do not like Time magazine? Do not subscribe. Do not like
Krugman? ok. Krugman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (informally the Nobel Prize in Economics), the sole recipient for 2008. This prize includes an award of about $1.4 million and was given to Krugman for his work associated with New Trade Theory and the New Economic what you will. I have, in passing, found that it is fruitless and non-productive to tell people what they should or should not read or view or listen to. However, that said, I also do not think it helpful for others to tell me or others what should or should not be read or viewed or listened to

fred said...

1. satire
2. the lady a Harvard Law School Grad
those trying to badmouth her: Fox news and moonie owned Washington Times (Moon a convicted felon)
3. and Trumpanistas here
4. as the Religious Right, evangelicals said about Trump and pussy grabbing and many cases in the courts for his sexual predation: the good book says to forgive and give a chance at redemption.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Well heck Fred, Nobel Prize...that changes everything.

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Hans Persson said...

The anon Nobel prize comment made me chuckle.

Aizino, take a breather...

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Obama got a nobel price and boy was he successful at whatever that price was for. So inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Nothing smaller than a mind that follows prizes and status symbols instead of righteousness and the power of ideas. You continue to embarrass yourself, Fred. It's been a long, long fall from grace.

Anonymous said...

Take it from someone with a business degree from one of the most prestigeous ivy league schools - it means nothing worth regards to intellect. It's only a door opener. I have been on both sides - average schools and best in the world. There's little difference between the top1000 and top3 schools. But you fall for it. You also are zombie minded and follow the nobel price prestige and quote the sums involved as if that were to mean anything. It's a deeply political prize. And my college has received some of the most in the entire world. So please, Fred, again. Wake up. You have been turned into a leffy parrot who keeps repeating talking points and is hypnotised by shiny objects and status and class. Typical Democrat. And I've been reading your vile comments for years. You don't get better with age unless you work on yourself, Fred.
And you don't become a better person by being outraged at every opinion here. And we don't need to hear from you what we can and cannot read and how good the NYT is. Just become a member ffs haha if you really don't see a problem with them hiring someone who writes these things and then complain about Trump and everything republicans do. Sure, some are wrong. But so are the ones on the Democrat side. Just falling wake up, dude. .you're so much into this class divide and racial playcard thing the DMC always does. When. Will. You. Wake. Up?

fred said...

sorry but your name calling rant show us what you are, no matter what schools you have gone to.
Why not show me where the link I have posted are wrong rather than name calling like a middle school kid?
If you find my comments tedious, merely skip them

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

A-most people who watch fox/read their columns know that they are not all to the right. And that's what's nice about Fox. For example on "the five " they have at least one very left leaning commentator and that's good. I don't want a narrative. I want them to talk it out. But I have to admit, the fact checking could be better on fox. It's about as bad as cnn when it comes to that. But there's more of a unity feeling. You've got blacks, Asians, whites, Latinos all on fox. Same as on cnn. But on cnn they call the republicans racists and fascists all the time. Do you know what kind of monster you have to be to be truly racist? That's what turns people off of CNN. The name calling. The collusion narrative. Never telling the good things Trump accomplishes. Literally hundreds of appearances of a porn lawyer and idiolizing a woman that gets gang-f*cked on camera. Way to go cnn.

Anonymous said...

And, as predicted, nothing happened to her career. NYT doesn't see anything wrong with her writings and her defence (I only imitated white racists ). I knew to expect this, but the hypocrisy leaves such an aftertaste, it's almost unbearable. But I'm sure Fred will defend all this and find a rationalisation without thinking.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Sullivan, but he knows what's brewing on the left. They're gone so off the rails. If you hate the white man so much, don't use any of his inventions. That'll show him. No planes. No electricity. No Internet. No cellphone. Most medicine gone. Ironically gun powder is from the Asians though. You can keep that for war :) we'll keep our lasers and nukes, thank you :))

fred said...

We are all tribal
In Korea, we called N. K. troops gooks, slants
In Nam my firneds who were there called them towel heads
in China a white often called Ghost
and lord knows the chief racist is the president of the US

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

You're the guy who always quotes schools like just above you name dropped Harvard. And you went for the "he's got a Nobel price he must be right and righteous"argument. You're so full of it, Fred. And you can't see it.

Anonymous said...

Oh stop it. I've never called them that. YOU did. Just stop your ignorance. And stop projecting on us what YOU do.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Ignore fred and his racist thoughts. I don't know what's gotten into him. It must be all that race card and class group mentality on the left (see how he idolises Harvard and Nobel prices while the guy who went to top Ivy was honest and told him it's just a big door opener/nothing to be proud of). When the left loses an argument they go for the race card and class warfare. So predictable. So sad. It worked during the Obama years, but now it's just so transparent and predictable. Just sad that someone would publicly write that and under his name. Omg.