Monday, August 27, 2018

F-35 Needs To Be Protected From Lightning Strikes

Two F-35B Lightning II aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan.Cpl. Aaron Henson/US Marine Corps

Warzone/The Drive: Marines Need Special Lightning Rods To Shield Their F-35s In Japan From Storms

Lightning strikes remain a serious danger to the stealthy fighter jets that could hamper their operations from bases without adequate protection.

Among a number of residual issues that remain with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the matter of the jet’s defenses against lightning strikes, or lack thereof, continues to be a particularly vexing issue. For the U.S. Marine Corps and its F-35B variant, thunderstorms are still such a problem that the service is buying special portable lightning rods to help shield the jets when they’re parked outside at bases that otherwise don’t have the necessary infrastructure, which includes Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan.

On Aug. 8, 2018, the Marines announced plans to purchase 14 lightning rods through a sole-source contract to LBA Technology, Inc. of Greenville, North Carolina. According to the contracting notice, which the service posted on FedBizOpps, this is the only company that makes systems that the U.S. Military’s main F-35 Joint Program Office has approved for use with the aircraft.

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Update: The F-35 Lightning fighter can't stand up to real lightning, so Marines ordered specialty rods to keep them from going up in flames (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: It makes one wonder if the F-35 can survive an EMP event?

Update #2: More F-35 problems? .... Is the F-35 In Trouble Again? (Jared Keller, Business Insider/Task & Purpose).


Sappa Tamang said...

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

assortment may be a known steady trekking route of seven days in Annapurna range region of Asian nation. Annapurna Base

Camp trekking that additionally called Annapurna Sanctuary trekking is that the greatest distinguished trekking in Asian nation. the foremost peaks

of western portion of large Annapurna Himal includes Hiunchuli, Annapurna south, Fang, Annapurna, Gangapurna, Annapurna

three and Machhapuchchhre that ar organized in such a fashion that they exactly type a bend that have a diameter of

virtually ten miles. Annapurna base

camp trek
of seven days from Kathmandu to Pokhara provides the nice influence of existence of a giant area within

the core Modi Khola mark its resolution within the south of this ice mass vale in slender gorge of twelve,000ft deep.

when you pass what is more to the south this gorge end up to be even wider and provides rise to the productive vale

wherever Gurung folks live. Trekking in Asian nation Annapurna Base Camp higher and middle half Moody Khola offers

trekkers some short cut trekking ways. Annapurna base camp trekking of seven days package begin its morning flight from

Kathmandu to Pokhara and therefore the terribly day it goes on to Nayapul with personal vehicles and trek extend to

Natural hot reserving in Jhinu danda, from wherever begins the Annapurna base camp or Annapurna Sanctuary Trek of the

Asian nation Himalaya.

B.Poster said...

If it can't survive a lightning strike, as an EMP event would be far harder to survive than a lightning strike, then experiential common sense would seem to suggest that it cannot survive an EMP event. The F-35 appears to go from bad to worse every time the program is examined.

This does assume the EMP threat is real. "Experts" are divided on this. Given the propensity of US officials and those "experts" typically utilized by US leaders to overestimate our abilities, underestimate the threats, overestimate our abilities to deal with them, and underestimate the abilities of adversaries and potential adversaries to harm us, the working hypothesis should be that the EMP threat is real. In fact, it should be assumed however bad we may have been told the threat is it is likely far worse than we have generally been led to believe even by those "experts" who take the threat seriously AND if this plane cannot survive a lightning strike there is no way it is going to survive an EMP event as lightning strikes are mild compared to something of this magnitude.

US officials have been lucky enough to be able to survive in spite of their general stupidity. In other parts of the world, not so much. As such, it seems the first question a potential buyer would have asked is "can this plane survive an EMP event?' If it can't, there would be no reason to go through with the purchase as this is the FIRST thing that should have been addressed before ANYTHING else. I've long been puzzled as to why anyone actually wants to buy this piece of useless junk.

I think I have a hypothesis. 1.)The US pays out massive amounts of foreign aid putting us further in debt. 2.)This foreign aid is then used to purchase F-35s. 3.)The US spends money it doesn't have to build this crap, the buying country gets an asset paid for by someone else for less than the foreign aid they received. 4.)The buying country then uses this excess money either to develop military aircraft of their own that work or to buy such military aircraft from other countries that actually work. As foreign governments typically aren't stupid, this seems to be the only thing that makes sense.