Monday, August 27, 2018

Is Socialism A Hate Crime?


Scott McKay, Spectator: A Crime Against Humanity

Given all the suffering it has caused, is socialism a hate crime?

Last week at the New Criterion, conservative scholar James Piereson posed an interesting question, arguing the affirmative: is socialism a hate crime?

As is his custom, Piereson makes a solid case. His isn’t a complex argument — Piereson simply totals up the corpses thanks to the world’s chief practitioners of socialist governance in the 20th century, and concludes that anything which leads to the deaths of more than 110 million souls has to be a hate crime by the definition afforded us by the modern gatekeepers of the term.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: From one who lived a good part of his life under a socialist regime the answer is an unequivocal yes. Next question.


B.Poster said...

Growing up I knew people who had parents or grandparents who lived under it. They woukd agree with you. Based upon how they described socialism to me I would have to answer yes as well.

Also, when I was growing up in 70s and 80s, the US public school system applied the principles of socialism in the education of children with physical challenges. The pain and suffering this caused was unspeakable. So, yes I will say without a doubt socialism is a hate crime.

Daniel said...

I'd say the concept of "hate crime" is meaningless when the left uses it and just as meaningless when the right uses it.

That socialists are hostes humani generis would be a true statement... but the fact is that since the late 19th century, the term has been used to describe their politics by many different people, including socialists, diluted socialists, semi-socialists, demi-socialists, showoff left-wing populists and people who were not socialists at all, like Otto von Bismarck or Winston Churchill.

What makes true socialists, and those who do not recoil from them, hostes humani generis isn't the mountains of corpses they left behind but the vileness of their original idea of cutting away at basic human rights to impose a Spartan-inspired equality that most never even wanted and that could never have worked in practice (and so, didn't). The corpses were just a natural consequence of those ideals being pursued with sufficient determination and consistency, but the ideals themselves were already unacceptable in and of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ideologically driven hogwash. If socialism is a hate crime due to the suffering it has caused then capitalism deserves the charge of genocide. Enslavement, dislocation, high morality rates, war, environmental destruction, famine, rampant racism with attendant pogroms have been and are present umder the capitalist system. Capitalist crimes are what give socialists such traction.

Daniel said...

Socialists have been even worse for the population than the freemarketers, which is no mean feat considering what freemarketism has been like at its worst. But that is all the more reason for that feat to be publicly and widely acknowledged. The capitalists never managed to kill quite that many people, nor did they torment the survivors quite as much, albeit they sometimes came close.