Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kremlin Expresses Concerns That The U.S. Has No Desire To Improve Relations

National flags of Russia and the U.S. fly at Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia April 11, 2017. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov/File Photo

Reuters: Kremlin, before meeting with Trump adviser, bemoans U.S. apathy

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday it noted a lack of desire in Washington to find areas where relations could be improved.

It was speaking ahead of a meeting later on Thursday in Geneva between U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton and his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev, the first high-level meeting of its kind since the Russian and U.S. presidents held talks in Helsinki in July.

“It will be a chance again to discuss all the questions on our agenda that are well-known and to try and find the issues where there will be at least some readiness on the part of our colleagues to hold dialogue,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said of the meeting.

“(But) at the moment we are seeing a certain lack of such desire,” Peskov told reporters on a conference call.

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WNU Editor: The Washington establishment, main stream media, etc., are currently dead-set against any talks with Russia. Many still blame Russia for the election of President Trump, and President Trump does not have the political capital at the moment to overcome this opposition. My advice to the Kremlin is to be patient for the next year or two.


fred said...

Perhaps, for one thing, we are not on the same side as this

Russia says 63,000 troops have seen combat in Syria

Anonymous said...

Your answers.

fred said...

bend over and look for them

Anonymous said...

Your answers.

Anonymous said...

This from the Kremlin that launched biological attacks in Britain? They are reaping what they have sown. Of course they aren't so dense, more likely this is their own maskirovka.

Anonymous said...

Oh Fred such language! You had always been my hero continuously chastising people here for using such language, but on review you seem to be a frequent user of it, another let down.

fred said...

dearest anon--
I am a bit older than you so I will share some of life has taught me: from time to time one is let down by this or that one and so, as Pope Leo XI said (I translate from the Latin): seek not a selfie in others but look homeward, angel

Anonymous said...

I only go on your own words. The internet never forgets.

fred said...

For years, Russian oligarchs and robber barons seeking to park their "unsourced" capital offshore and away from the sticky fingers of the Kremlin, treated Swiss bank accounts (preferably anonymous) with their "no questions asked" customer policies as, well, Swiss bank accounts.

No more.

One of Switzerland’s largest banks, Credit Suisse, has frozen roughly 5 billion Swiss francs ($5 billion) of money linked to Russia to avoid violating U.S. sanctions, according to its accounts, further increasing pressure on Moscow which today saw the ruble tumble to the lowest level in over two years.
Your answers

fred said...

Even Trump’s Own Adviser Is Warning About ‘Politicizing’ the Threat From Russia
Your answers

Anonymous said...

I'm still here. I await the answers to my questions.

fred said...

heel, boy...that's a good doggie

Anonymous said...

The only thing you can share is the art of incompetent lying and pathetic translation. The Anon dogging you has more credibility asking questions than you do commenting.

Anonymous said...

Your answers.

Anonymous said...

As an observer I must ask what does the above have to do with Brennan's freedom of speech?

fred said...


Anonymous said...

Your answers.

Anonymous said...

Wow Fred you almost had a complete sentence. A little more work and a coherent thought might be possible, even for you.

fred said...

true Trumpian: insults sans substance...snark, badmouth any and all learn from your master, Orange Julius

Anonymous said...

Oh Fred,
That's the only language you understand as you use it constantly.

Anonymous said...

Lol Fred,
That is your area of expertise, I wouldn't dare to presume

James said...

I agree, but having been watching this blog all these years, it's interesting to see these Anons give Fred some of his own medicine

fred said...

Dislike my language? Got a lot of it from serving two times in our military...If what is being dished is considered medicine, my doctor would call it more like placebos...But here is perhaps another reason we are at odds with Russia

Russian trolls 'spreading discord' over vaccine safety online
Study discovered several accounts, now known to belong to the same Russian trolls who interfered in the US election, tweeting about vaccines

Anonymous said...

I know about you Lapides and your antecedents, you prior service cuts no ice with me. Let's hear another Lapides lecture about language.

James said...

Mr. Lapides I could care less what you think.

manstien said...

My my my... arnt I the popular one. (Ace Ventura)

Geoff Leighton said...

I also agree but so many Anons leave me dazed and confused at times.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Bravo Lapides, excellent effort. You nearly achieved coherency of expression. Those "intelligent places" must help, even you.

Anonymous said...

"I was able to hit the market, the job market, at the time when ... even a relative incompetent like me could get a job. There were openings..."

- Dr. Frederick Robert Lapides on September 30, 2006

that IS funny :) But, given that I have Fred's comments now for two years, I think he wasn't too far off from the truth :))

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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fred said...

Russian trolls pushed divisive content over vaccines, researchers say
The study highlights how social media-based propaganda efforts from Russia were not solely focused on the 2016 election and now include public health issues.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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fred said...

Bolton: U.S. sanctions to stay until Russia changes its behavior

Anonymous said...

But but. .Bolton works for Trump and Trump is a Russian traitor you said for two years without evidence..slowly trying to change the narrative and hope we don't notice?

Unknown said...
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