Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Poll: American Views On China Are Changing

SCMP: Fewer Americans see China positively as trade tensions worsen, Pew study finds

Only 38 per cent saw the country favourably in weeks before trade war began, with economic threats topping their list of worries, according to survey.

Americans have become less positive about China as trade tensions mount and they worry more about the Asian giant’s growing economic clout, according to new data from the Pew Research Centre.

Only 38 per cent of Americans saw China favourably when surveyed by the Washington-based think tank between May and June – weeks before the trade war kicked off, with billions in tariffs levelled on both sides – down from 44 per cent at the same time last year.

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. These negative views on China are only going to increase with time.


Anonymous said...

Can't believe they have so high positive views in the first place.. trillions stolen, copyright theft, IP theft, industrial theft and extortions, human rights record, militarization of south China Sea, bullying and intimidating its neighbours, beating up fishermen, threatening neighbouring countries with war, environmental destruction, mullions of girls killed due to family planning policies....

Uneducated Americans are the biggest danger to the US

Matthew Putnam said...

Good points! Well said Anon.