Tuesday, August 28, 2018

President Trump Vows To Address Google News Search Results

Business Insider: Trump vows to address Google search allegedly rigging the media against him

* President Donald Trump vowed to address Google allegedly using search results to show "Fake News Media" in a bid to suppress conservative voices in a manner he called "very dangerous."
* Trump has previously called out Twitter for "shadow banning" prominent conservatives, saying the practice was "illegal" and his administration would look into it.
* As Google search represents a product from the Alphabet Company, a publicly traded company, it's unclear how the US government could address or direct its largely automated service to behave differently.

President Donald Trump vowed to address Google allegedly using search results to show "Fake News Media" in a bid to suppress conservative voices in a manner he called "very dangerous."

Read more ....

Update: Trump Takes Aim at Google, Claims Search Results ‘RIGGED’ Against Him: ‘Illegal?’ (Mediaite)

Previous Post: Google News Search Results For 'Trump' Are From Liberal Media Outlets (August 27, 2018)

WNU Editor: I live in Canada, and when I use Google news search with my Canadian settings .... let me put it this way .... Canadian news coverage is overwhelming anti-Trump (close to 100%), and it is reflected in Google's search results here. I can only assume the same story for other countries.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww. Conservatives in general and Trump in particular, are the real victims.

We'll just conveniently ignore that R's control all three branches of the federal government. But, yeah, conservatives are oppressed, persecuted and white genocide is coming any day now.

jimbrown said...

Let's check the junk mail settings too. This is a place where not receiving marketing blasts before an election has an impact.

B.Poster said...


There is something you are not taking into account with your superficial analysis. Democrats/Leftists control the entire government bureaucracy. This includes but is not limited to the FBI, EEOC, OSHA, NLRB, SEC, FCC, IRS, FDIC, the public education system grades K-12, the major universities, most of the federal and state courts, and the news media.

Anyone who has had to deal with this bureaucracy on a regular basis can and will attest that these are more important than who actually controls the White House, the Senate, and the House. What's worse these are unelected and their typically has been very little recourse available when someone is wronged by any of them.

"...yeah conservatives are oppressed, persecuted, and white genocide is coming any day now." The Nazi genocide against the Jews began with similar messaging to that which is being done right now against conservatives. The problem is you have never been on the receiving end so you don't understand. If you are ever on the receiving end of such things, you may begin to understand. Hopefully you never will be.

As for Leftists and Trump critics, they are excellent at dishing it out. As for taking it when the party who has been viciously and unwarrantedly attacked fights back, not so much. POTUS is best understood as a counterpuncher. He seldom if ever throws the first "punch" but when attacked often "punches" back with devastating effects to the attacker.

Anonymous said...

B. please tell us about all the times you've been on the "receiving end" of horrible and violent persecution!?!?!

Keep in mind, someone disagreeing with or making fun of you doesn't count. This should be good!

B.Poster said...

When?? Try protecting your property from ANTIFA thugs when they decide to protest and the police stand down or oppose your efforts. Try seeking justice when an illegal immigrant rapes your daughter. Try publically supporting Trump in a corporate setting and see what your employer does to you. Try taking a pro-life stance in public. See what happens to you.

In the corporate setting its going to mean job loss. This is the least bad scenario. Keep in mind your corporate employer may actually support conservative positions but they do not want trouble with the aforementioned groups. In all others you are very likely to meet violence against you and your family without any recourse. I've seen this happen numerous times and know people who have experienced it.

For any one violent act carried out against "liberals" there are hundreds carried out against "conservatives."

"Keep in mind, someone disagreeing with or making fun of doesn't count." This is true. As a leftist, this is typically all you have to worry about. You haven't had the kind of violence or persecution visited upon you that conservatives have. When someone does challenge you, you howl and screech like a stuck pig. As I said, you are excellent at dishing it out. As to taking it when those who are attacked battle back against you, not so much.

Remember there are laws of sewing of reaping. As far as I know, they are still in effect. Justice may not be meted out against your by those you persecuted but it will come from somewhere. My suggestion would for you to actively speak out against such things and do all you can to try and stop such things from happening.

Roger Smith said...

Poster, here's couple of books that describe, by one who lived it starting in the early 30's, the nibble by nibble takeover of Germany by the Nazis. The current political situation in this country is deeply disturbing. Deeply disturbing.
"I Will Bear Witness. A diary of the Nazi years, 1933-1941", "I Will Bear Witness. A diary of the Nazi years, 1942-1945". Victor Klemperer, brother of the classical music composer.
I read these years ago when they first came to the library out here. I just bought a new set for myself, after these obama years, so I would never forget. I will likely never read them again but like my Vietnam box, I simply want them near me.

Roger Smith said...

Well said poster; "As ye sow, so shall ye reap".

Anonymous said...

Where on earth do live, B? I've travelled enough around the US of A to know for a fact it isn't the warzone you make it out to be. Go buy a fainting couch, for FFS.

B.Poster said...


I live in Conroe, TX which is an area about 40 miles north of Houston. Admittedly this is an area of relative sanity compared to much of the rest of the country. This partly explains why it is among the fastest growing areas in the US. Much of those who can are leaving areas of insanity such as CA and NY as fast as they can.

Even still where I live try taking any kind of publically pro Trump or "conservative" position and your corporate employer finds about it see what happens to you. Try taking a pro life position. See what happens to you. Should your daughter get raped by an illegal immigrant. Try and protest. See what happens. If ANTIFA decides to make you a target, see what happens to you. If NAACP targets you, see what happens. Have a disgruntled former employee haul you before the EEOC, see what happens to you. If you are a registered Republican as they will find out in the background check, you are beyond screwed. If you are a known Trump supporter, you are WAY BEYOND SCREWED. Try it. See what happens to you and the company you and others worked very hard to build.

"I've travelled around the US of A." I'm sure you have, staying in luxury accommodations after luxury accommodations essentially insulated from the real world. Your writing style gives you away. As such, your lack of real world knowledge and experience does not impress me.

Also, as a "liberal" you don't generally have to worry about being targeted by anyone. I pray you never do have to experience it.

So yes, it is true. Conservatives are being oppressed an persecuted. While probably not to the level that some are being persecuted at in certain other countries, this is how it starts. Unless reversed, I could see how the persecution against conservatives could rise to the level that Jews in Nazi Germany experienced.

Fortunately those being persecuted are beginning to fight back. By your mocking this in the first post reveals a strong indication that you do not get this. Having never experienced it you are either indifferent to it or you support such persecution. My suggestion to you would be to oppose these things with all the vigor you can. As stated, you will reap what you sew.

War News Updates Editor said...

This is how online media companies are suppressing conservative speech on their platforms https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/ashley-rae-goldenberg/2018/04/16/censored-how-online-media-companies-are-suppressing

Anonymous said...

Sure are censored. I had a heck of a time trying to find any conservative content during my morning coffee.

Turned on the TV and found Fox news. Drove around later and found roughly ten million local and national conservative talk radio shows blathering forth.

Then I went online and could only find a bazallion right-wing blogs, news sites and message boards telling me about globalists forming an army to take away baby Jesus. Those on the right live in the darkest times, to be sure.

It sure is difficult to side-step google. If only there were other search engines, but alas, those are controlled from globalist HQ as well.

Anonymous said...

Fox News has repeatedly gone to former Justice Department official Robert Driscoll to comment on the Russia investigations, but what viewers don't hear is that he's also the attorney for Maria Butina, the suspected Russian spy charged with criminal counts.

Anonymous said...

Just my 2 cents.. I tried Twitter a while back, and as soon as I mentioned something along the lines of "lets not get completely in panic mode, and accuse Trump of treason without evidence", my account was silenced / received no more likes.. within one day I went from an average of 50 likes/day to 0 likes/day. And not because I was propagating crazy theories. No, I was politely asking for evidence to be brought forward (to wait for evidence, before forming a lynch mob).. absolutely silenced. CNN of course tells us this is not happening. Well, to me it felt a lot like this is happening.. and it's freaking dangerous to democracy. But the left sees no wrong. As long as they can shout republicans are racists and Trump is a traitor, they are happy.

Roger Smith said...

Anon @4:17PM, your last two sentences can be summed up easily; simple minds enjoy simple things.
Interesting experience you've had with twitter. And greatly bothersome.
I'm glad you posted this. Thank you.
