Friday, August 17, 2018

Report: Radioactive Fallout In Australia Reveals A Nuclear Test Event Occurred Between South Africa And Antarctica In 1979

An analysis of air currents has traced a spike in radioactive materials found among the thyroid glands of Australian sheep in 1979 to a suspicous blast between Africa and Antarctica just weeks earlier. Picture: Google EarthSource:News Corp Australia

Daily Mail: Did a secret Israeli nuclear test send radioactive fallout across Australia? A new study by an Aussie expert says YES

* Study reveals secret Israeli nuclear test sent radioactive fallout across Australia
* In September 1979, a nuclear explosion was picked by the US 'Vela' satellite
* Speculation of where the 'flash' came from centres on Israel nuclear test

A new study has revealed a secret Israeli nuclear test is likely to have sent radioactive fallout across Australia.

In September 1979, a nuclear explosion was picked by the US 'Vela' satellite from between South Africa and Antarctica near the Marion and Prince Edward islands in the sub-antarctic Indian Ocean, Perth Now reported.

After the 'flash' there was a lot of speculation about what the source was, with allegations that it came from Israel's nuclear testing.

However, a recent paper published by the Australian Defence Force Academy's Christopher Wright and retired Swedish Defence Research Agency investigator Lars-Erik De Geer has revealed the effect the nuclear explosion had on Australia.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The report can be read here .... The 22 September 1979 Vela Incident: The Detected Double-Flash (Taylor Francis Online).

More News On Reports That A Nuclear Test Event Occurred Between South Africa And Antarctica In 1979

Nuclear fallout detected in Australian sheep in 1979 has been attributed to a covert nuclear test --
Radioactive sheep said to prove Israel conducted illegal nuclear test -- YNet News
Radioactive sheep shed light on secret nuclear weapons test -- New York Post/FOX News
Mystery Revealed? Israel Possibly Tested Nuclear Weapons in Indian Ocean -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

There was nothing in the article that demonstrated Israel was behind it. Wouldn't it be more likely that South Africa, which had its own nuclear weapons program at the time, was behind it? Geographically, it would make more sense for South Africa to conduct a nuclear weapons test between it and Antartica. By 1979, Israel already had a mature nuclear weapons program. Not much need to conduct testing in this way. On the other hand, the South African nuclear program was ramping up, and they would have had a need to do more testing. Of course, Israel might have been collaborating with the South African nuclear program, but it's really irresponsible of the article to make Israel the leading candidate when both the time and place makes South Africa the most likely suspect.

fred said...

Findings from a recent study by Science and Global Security journal alleges Israel conducted a nuclear experiment in cooperation with South Africa over the Indian Ocean in 1979; conclusions say traces of radioactive substance found in sheep in the area underpin findings; 'Israel is the only country that had the technical capability and the political motivation to conduct such a discreet experiment,' says expert.

Anonymous said...

Fred,....wasn't it Trump's doing and fault? Common. .I believe in can do it and blame him for it! :)

Anonymous said...

I think Trump colluded with the Russians back in 1979 to do this nuclear test and blame it on Israel, because Trump,as we all know, wants Americas allies to fail and that includes Israel. Think about it. It makes perfect sense. Ask him about it and he'll deny it. He's a liar and a traitor and also did this nuclear test! Right Fred,right? ?

fred said...

Dear anon
It is the Dems that are tougher on Israel than Repubs, you will recall, so your theory is wrong. More to the point, Trump began to withdraw troops from Syria, then let Russia and Iran assist Assad, while we (under Trump) abandoned both the rebels and the Kurds, giving now that entire region to Russia/Syria/Iran...are you tired of winning?

fred said...

Officials worry Trump may back Erik Prince plan to privatize war in Afghanistan
"I know he's frustrated," Blackwater founder Prince said of the president. "He gave the Pentagon what they wanted. And they haven't delivered."
tired of winning? the prince and the pauper

Matthew Putnam said...

It is important to note that isotopes can be easily traced back to their geographical point of origin. There are only so many areas in the world where the material is available, and each country/area has its own signature. A sample will render that info, but not in terms of who may have bought material and conducted the test.

Matthew Putnam said...
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Matthew Putnam said...

When the fissile isotope plutonium-239 is made in nuclear reactors it is inevitably contaminated with plutonium-240. The exact ratio of the two isotopes differs from plant to plant.

Tamper can be made of non-enriched uranium, which is mostly uranium-238, or other metals. These elements vary in their isotopic composition depending on where they were mined, so they could offer another clue to the origins of the weapon.