Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Russia Sends A Massive Naval Armada To Syria In A Warning To The U.S.

Russia currently has 10 warships and two submarines in waters off Syria, according to Russian media

Business Insider: Russia sent a massive naval armada to Syria — and looks to be readying to fight the US

* Russia has positioned a considerable naval armada in the Mediterranean near Syria after accusing the US of plotting a false flag chemical weapons attack in the country.
* International investigators link Syria's Moscow-backed government as carrying out dozens of deadly chemical weapons attacks on civilians, but Russia accuses US-linked forces of secretly conducting these same attacks.
* But Russia's massive navy buildup in the Syria can't actually stop the US from attacking.
* If Russia did counter attack US Navy ships firing on Syria, the US would likely crush them in short order.
* Instead, Russia will probably just keep up the propaganda effort, which includes ship deployments.

Russia has positioned a considerable naval armada in the Mediterranean near Syria after accusing the US of plotting a false flag chemical weapons attack in rebel-held areas — and it looks like they're preparing for war with the US.

Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov recently said the US has built up its naval forces in the Mediterranean as it is "once again preparing major provocations in Syria using poisonous substances to severely destabilize the situation and disrupt the steady dynamics of the ongoing peace process."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: U.S. forces are also on alert .... Russia sent a massive naval armada to Syria (CNN). For me this is not a good sign. The Syrian army is preparing to attack the rebel enclave of Idlib, and they will be throwing everything including the kitchen into this battle. They are going to mass atrocities, and we are going to see it on libe TV. In view of numerous threats from the West that they will react in the event that these atrocities do occur, the Kremlin is signaling to the West that with this deployment that there will be consequences if they do interfere .... Is U.S. Going to Attack Syria Again? Russia Thinks So and It's Getting Ready for Action (Tom O'Connor, Newsweek). The next question is .... will the West respond if these gas attacks occur, and will Russia respond against Western military forces. At this moment in time, I do not know the answer, but I do know that this offensive will not occur until after Russian President Putin returns from his vacation with his security chiefs .... Vladimir Putin takes Siberian hiking trip with top security chiefs (ABC News Online).

More News On Russia Sending A Massive Naval Armada To Syria

Russia reinforces naval forces in Mediterranean off Syrian coast -- Reuters
Russia 'reinforcing military presence off Syria' -- AFP
Russia Masses Naval Forces in Syria in Anticipation of Possible U.S. Attack -- Moscow Times
Russia reportedly deploys largest naval force to Mediterranean since 2015 -- Stars and Stripes
Russia Sends Largest Force to Syria as U.S. Prepares for Attack, Reports Say -- Newsweek
NATO Confirms Russian Naval Buildup Off Syria, Calls for Restraint -- Haaretz
Russia readies for Idlib campaign with fake news and major naval build-up -- Jack Moore, National Interest


Antitroll said...

West already starting their narrative with chemical weapon bs like last time . Trying to brainwash more guppies.

B.Poster said...


Unfortunately the US and "western" governments are replete with the ideologically blind and idiots. Your second post is essentially spot on. There's little that can be added.

Unfortunately in warning Assad not to use chemical weapons "western" governments just provided incentive for the "rebels" to carry out such an attack themselves or to stage it. Such an action for them carries huge upside potential and no downside risks.

Anonymous said...

i can hear usa starting their (((propaganda))) engine.

but ((( socialist ))) ((( fred ))) would be very supportive of invasion.

Carl said...

Antitroll and B.Poster, you're both right. The US and its ever loving French and British allies have never given up on regime change in Damascus, as the Russians have made this militarily impossible. So they resort to desperate gambles to try to give Al Qaeda air support.

B.Poster said...

Frankly when I look at Assad and the "rebels" I think it's a pity they both can't lose. Since they both can't lose , one of them is going to win and it's not going to be the rebels as I patiently predicted from the very beginning, it's going to be prudent for American leaders to make decisions that position the country in accordance with geo-political realities as opposed to according to ideological fantasies.

Given the errors in judgment and perhaps even lies our leaders have told us in the past, just trust or because we said so is not enough. This is especially so when the claims made are nonsensical as they often have been of late.

Anonymous said...

Posh on chemical weapons, lets stop that chatter. Barack Obama and John Kerry told the world Assad gave up his chemical weapons due to the brilliant diplomacy of those two. Can't happen. The Russians even promised that those weapons were gone.

Or did Obama and Kerry collude with Russian to appear to remove them?
Gee hard to say.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very subtle (((jew))) hate there...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the devil is so happy for war and your soul. what a big mistake, but i will die for the glory of god. not this foolish war.

Stephen Davenport said...

Massive, really..lol..when I think massive I think dozens of ships, not a couple of them.

RussInSoCal said...

This is for domestic consumption. Russia alone is not a peer adversary to the US in any conventional war. Or even a non-conventional one. Comes up short on reach, resources and materiel in any scenario.

fazman said...

Russia will sit and watch the fireworks with their collective thumbs up their ass like last time. They know that they have no viable option.
Best they can hope for is this time the Syrians had to read the pantir operation manual and will shoot 50% down rather than fire into empty sky after the attack

B.Poster said...

I like the optimism that suggests the US comes out ahead of Russia in "any scenario." After all it seems as though many in the US government are itching for a fight with Russia and will go to any lengths to get it. Doesn't matter to them whether or not we need it.

"...one Russian ship can take care of all of the US Navy no problem." The F-35 apparently can't even handle a lightning strike. The littoral class ships are always breaking down. while one Russian ship probably could not handle the entire US Navy, it is easy for those who are not Americans to make humor of this. After all their loved ones are not going to be the ones who are going to bear the brunt of the reprisal should this policy go awry.

I will reiterate Assad has no incentive to use chemical weapons. With his side and his allies being closely monitored it would problematic at best for them to pull this off. On the other hand, the rebels have every incentive to do so and do not face such close monitoring. By the words of "western" leaders the "rebels" now have every incentive to stage such an attack and little disincentive in doing so. Furthermore they learned last time around that military action will be initiated without even bothering to take the necessary time or resources to properly investigate the situation.

It would be prudent for our government to be very circumspect before acting and we should not take at face value anything our media tells us. At best, they've used bad judgment before and at worst they have outright lied to us.

RussInSoCal said...

Assad will do whatever Putin orders him to do. If Putin orders a strike on the rebels, he'll strike the rebels. In whatever scale Putin desires.

"When I say jump, you say 'how hi?'"

Antitroll said...
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