Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Should Germany Become A Nuclear Power?

The Büchel military base in southern Germany where it is thought that some US tactical nuclear weapons are stored. DPA

Christian Hacke, National Interest: Why Germany Should Get the Bomb

A country’s crisis diplomacy can only be successful when it is backed by hard military power.

Considering the politics of Donald Trump, Germany can no longer rely on the protection of the United States. According to political scientist Christian Hacke, Berlin has no other choice: Germany must become a nuclear power.

The U.S. president’s semi-authoritarian attitude and his willingness to make friends with the enemies of democracy has exacerbated doubts about whether the West is at risk of breaking up.

President Donald Trump treats once valued allies with scorn and castigates them in public. Under the battle cry “America first,” allies have suddenly become a burden. President Trump is trampling on the core Western values and interests and in so doing, he is gambling away the role of the United States as the leading power of the West. Instead he is chumming up with dictators and squandering America’s reputation as a responsible global power. He is giving up crucial influence, which could lead to alarming shifts of power to the detriment of the free world.

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WNU Editor: This is a terrible idea. Aside from violating a number of international treaties prohibiting the development and deployment of nuclear weapons, if Germany should go down this road it would create a European crisis that Europe has not seen since the height of the Cold War. It would not only be Russia reacting negatively, it would also be most of Europe.


Anonymous said...

Berlin can’t rely on Berlin to protect Germany. Berlin created a Bundeswehr that is pitiful. Berlin created the Muslim invasion of military age males to Germany. Berlin created the energy dependence upon Russia, 40% of natural gas today, over 60% once NordStream 2 is operative. The EU banking crisis pitting southern EU states against Berlin was made in Berlin.

The author invokes “Trump” for problems made in Berlin over the past decades.

Hamilcar Barca said...

They cannot even create a proper army !

B.Poster said...

Normally I would say, "yes absolutely Germany should develop nuclear weapons." In normal circumstances, this would take some of the pressure off of the US who is overburdened with far to many commitments that don't make any sense for American interests and deplete our abilities to properly advance our interests.

Part of the rationale is Nazi Germany is dead and is not coming back. While I still believe this to be the case, this situation is still far from "normal." As the posts from Anon and HB above point out that I could have very easily written myself, Germany cannot even manage its own affairs properly. Having nuclear weapons is a huge responsibility that I frankly do not think Germany is capable of handling at this time. After all these weapons could very easily end up in the hands of the Muslim military aged males that Germany has allowed to invade them when they take over the country.

What Germany probably needs is their own version of Donald Trump. I will be up to them to elect such a person.

Roger Smith said...

Bringenzie bach der Fuehrer. Hey! I only had one semester of Duetch and that was a loooong time ago.

Anonymous said...

Yes. the US is no longer a reliable partner

B.Poster said...


Just how reliable is Germany to the US? If when/we are invaded, are they going to come fight alongside us?

Germany has huge oil deals with Russia. Are they going to give those up or modify them so they can be a more reliable partner to us? Right now I would say no. The Russian supplies are closer cutting down on transportation costs, changing the infrastructure to accommodate American supplies would be enormously costly, they have spent many years building up relations with their Russian counterparts, the US political system while currently somewhat favorable to oil companies is subject to change on a whim making the Russian supply more stable, and the US with its deep political divisions, massive debt, and failing infrastructure may not even exist in 10 years. In contrast, Russia has had a major influence on Europe and Asia for centuries and likely will for many more.

As such, the case could easily be made (perhaps in error but the case could be made) that it would make no sense for the US to ally with America. I think it is highly likely that the German thinking is on these lines. As such, a very good question would be is Germany any longer a reliable partner to America.

B.Poster said...

What I meant was "...it would make sense for the Germany to ally with America..." I apologize for the typo. I think it is obvious what I meant. Nonetheless I did want to apologize and to make it more clear.