Tuesday, August 28, 2018

South Africa’s Ruling ANC Withdraws Its Land Expropriation Bill For Further Consideration

RT: South Africa’s ruling ANC says land expropriation bill withdrawn for further reconsideration

A bill allowing the South African government to seize private land without compensation has been withdrawn by the Portfolio Committee on Public Works pending further study, according to the ruling African National Congress.

In 2015, the ANC proposed a constitutional amendment allowing the government to seize and redistribute land without any compensation to its owners. The draft, which has not been adopted so far, evoked widespread international outrage and multiple media reports of alleged violence against white South African farmers, including murders.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: RT is the only news website carrying this story. If true, this decision to withdraw the bill tells me that saner heads in the South African government realized what the consequences would have been if such expropriations were undertaken. On a side note .... hours before this announcement to withdraw the bill, visiting UK Prime Minister May endorsed it .... Ramaphosa's land reform policy gets backing from British PM Theresa May (News24). Sighhh .... she is always behind in the news.


Anonymous said...

PM May is a bungler who is in way over her head.

Anonymous said...

This site seems to have a fetish about "Only this site" carried such and such a story, suggesting the media not doing its job. However, Among some dozen sites that do carry the story are Bloomberg news and Reuters, not small town media sources by any stretch of the imagination

Roger Smith said...

May won't be stuck with the charities and UN food aid coming down the line in a decade or so.

War News Updates Editor said...

I always post who is the first to post a news story. But I also check the wires and other sources. In this case, no one ad the story a few hours ago (with the exception of RT). I also found it interesting that the South African press was not carrying it. They are carrying it now. I know that the main stream media does follow breaking stories .... but it is always hours later ... too late in my world. If you check a few hours from now, you will notice that everyone will be covering this story.

B.Poster said...

Anon # 1,

Not sure what Elvis records have to do with this. By mentioning Elvis records with this you show just how out of touch with reality you really are. As for the Chris Farley reference, you seem to think this is all a great big joke. In so doing, you reveal how unserious of a person you really are.

As for this abrupt change by SA, I primarily credit Trump diplomacy. As the only major world leader to speak out against this, when he stated he would have his team look into this, crippling sanctions would have followed. As the Iranians are finding out, even though you have numerous friends US sanctions still count for something and being genocidal doesn't pay. As such, this is why "saner heads" prevailed. At least this is my "take." Now, as for the next steps, will anyone who has already had their property compensated have it returned to them?

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher made fun of the killings in south Africa claiming republicans only care when white ones are killed. This was the most unpatriotic sh*t I've ever seen him say. Think I'm through watching his show. To go to such lengths to smear half of the nation as racist, all forgetting his own heritage and what happened to white Jews during and before ww2... how can he be so insane? All to criticise Trump and republicans. I used to be Democrat all my life and watched Maher for more than a decade. ..but he's so blinded in his hate now (he's got a long and bad relationship with Trump) and so in his own bubble the he just readily declares half of his fellow citizens to be the worst of the worst ...just insane. .and his audience laughed at the murders and cheap joke about republicans. Wtf

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11:28am,
If what you say is true, then why do you come here?

Roger Smith said...

SA got a response. It looks like it was more than they expected when Trump spoke. Not that the SA government doesn't have examples of prior "cleansing" and how those outcomes had negative effects.
I should think the Afrikaners are a substantial factor in SA's economy and especially credibility when it is time to borrow from international banks.