Monday, August 27, 2018

Sweden's Far Right Are Expected To Win Big In Next Month's Legislative Elections

Jimmie Akesson in Stockholm on April 12. Photographer: Mikael Sjoberg/Bloomberg

AFP: Sweden's far-right poised for record election gains

Barring a major upset, Sweden's far-right is on course for a record result in September 9 legislative elections, capitalising on the mood of voters who feel they are being left behind in favour of hundreds of thousands of newly-arrived asylum seekers.

With two weeks to go to the election, opinion polls suggest the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) could sweep around 20 percent of votes, making them the second- or third-biggest party.

That could give SD -- an offshoot of the neo-Nazi movement but now clamouring for political legitimacy -- significant influence over Swedish politics.

SD has said it is willing to collaborate with either the left or right, as long as it can shape the country's immigration policy.

Read more ....

Update: Sweden election to spell nightmare for EU as anti-Brussels party set to be kingmaker (

WNU Editor: Some of my Nordic friends are telling me that the 20% support for the Sweden Democrats (SD) according to opinion polls is low. They are expecting a far higher number. Meanwhile .... are the people in Scandinavia unhappy? .... Why Nordic countries might not be as happy as you think (BBC).


Anonymous said...

"Far Right" these days covers any political group that believes the only kind of permitted immigration is legal, vetted and controlled at the borders. Any group that believes in restricting immigration from certain nations is also "Far Right". Any group that believes in national sovereignty is "Far Right". Any group that believes in the second amendment is "Far Right".

Used to be "Far Right" meant being neo-Nazi.

Now I think it also includes anyone who voted for Hillary.
This is a great example of Orwellian distortion of language.

Hans Persson said...

SD might get as high as 24%, my guess, but nothing will come of it. All the other partys will form a block against SD, they have done it before (the left and the right formed an historic and unprecedented agreement to push the left's budget)

Expect an historic and turbulent period after the election in Sweden.

Anon #87 said...

"Anonymous said...

"Far Right"....

August 27, 2018 at 4:54 PM "

Yup. These days,anyone who doesn't have a tattoo of Lenin on their ass is Far Right to the Media.