Wednesday, August 8, 2018

This Is How The New York City Police Department Searches For 'Dirty Bombs' Offshore

The Drive: Wait, The New York Police Department Has A Spy Plane For Hunting Dirty Bombs?

A controversial incident involving a flight route shaped like a penis has focused attention on the federally-funded surveillance aircraft.

More than a year ago, five members of the New York Police Department’s Aviation Unit were so mad at their supervisor they decided to take a specialized surveillance plane worth $4 million on a joy ride, flying a route in the shape of a large penis. The incident is the latest in a series of controversial incidents involving the aircraft, but also highlights another important detail, that New York’s Finest have a federally-funded aerial platform specifically set up to hunt for radiological weapons, or “dirty bombs,” at all.

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WNU Editor: I know that there are ground units in New York City that look for radiological signatures. But this is the first time that I am learning about this plane.


B.Poster said...

This is my first time to learn of this too. It doesn't surprise me though. I bet every city of any size in the US has these. Due to the successes we have had against ISIS due in large part to the new strategies implemented by POTUS and his team this threat has diminished somewhat but it is STILL very high.

Now that some have foolishly chosen to take their eyes off of the proverbial ball in order to needlessly ratchet up a conflict with Russia this threat probably will likely increase in future years. Unfortunately because someone was mad a the supervisor they may have endangered the program meaning it may be less effective as our adversaries are aware of it and will likely be taking countermeasures. I suspect this kind of irrational thinking is the kind of thought processing or a close relative of it that leads certain government officials to conclude that Russia colluded to help Trump win or that the Russians somehow interfered in any significant way in our elections.

Anonymous said...

How you always manage to talk about your motherland, comrade :)

B.Poster said...


Please read the posts in their entirety and evaluate the context. Had you done so you would know I'm not from Russia nor do I have any special affinity for it.

I am from America. You are either a complete idiot, lack basic reading and comprehension, or you know your argument is weak therefore you must come up with snark to justify your pathetic position.

I will try and break down my points so a dim bulb such as yourself can get it. This is the first time I learned of this plane. Due to changed policies the Islamic terrorist threat while still very real on our American homeland is diminished. Taking our eyes off the proverbial ball to pick a fight we don't need and may not be able to win is unwise. Such actions divert resources from where needed. As such, expect the Islamic terrorism threat to America to increase now. The same kind of irrational thinking that led to the flight crew pulling this stunt is the same type of irrational thinking that leads to anti-Russian hysteria.

Now expanding upon this. Anti-Russian hysteria has all the marking of a religious cult. I'm sorry I'm not going to sacrifice my family on the alter of the goddess if this cult, Hillary Clinton.

US foreign policy needs to be conducted in a manner that advances the security and economic interests of America. To do so common sense needs to be utilized. For example, we do not divert resources from a fight we,need to win to one we don't need and may not be able to win. One of the problems is we allow people like you to vote.