Tuesday, August 28, 2018

U.N. Report: Myanmar’s Military Committed Genocide Against The Rohingyas In Rakhine State

The Guardian: Myanmar's military accused of genocide in damning UN report

Mission concludes army has carried out ‘gravest crimes’ against Rohingya in Rakhine and minorities elsewhere.

Myanmar’s military has been accused of genocide against the Rohingya in Rakhine state in a damning UN report that alleged the army was responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity against minorities across the country.

The UN report said it found conclusive evidence that the actions of the country’s armed forces, known as the Tatmadaw, “undoubtedly amounted to the gravest crimes under international law” in Rakhine as well as in Kachin and Shan, states also riven by internal conflicts.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The UN report is here .... Myanmar: Tatmadaw leaders must be investigated for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes – UN report (United Nations Human Rights).

More News On The UN Accusing Myanmar’s Military Of Committing Genocide Against The Rohingyas In Rakhine State

Myanmar Generals Must Be Prosecuted for Genocide, UN Says -- Bloomberg
Rohingya demand justice after UN probe calls for genocide prosecution -- AFP
UN tells of Myanmar genocide but are world powers listening? -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
The World Isn’t Prepared to Deal With Possible Genocide In Myanmar -- Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic
Will Myanmar's genocide generals ever face justice? -- Jamie Tarabay, CNN


Stephen Davenport said...

You have to take the UN report worth a grain of salt. Reminds me of the Serbs massacring the Kosovians and mortaring that market, when in fact they hadn't and he Muslims had bombed the market. UN is a fraud, Burma may have done this but we have to see more evidence of this before the neo-cons and libs push for war.

Andrew Jackson said...

What Anonymous said !!

B.Poster said...

Excellent comments all the way around. Nothing else really to add except its always prudent to be skeptical of anything our leaders tell us especially when what they tell us doesn't make sense.